"Shit, yeah! I don't have jack..." Raphael checked his pack and pockets for anything useful. "Hmm, assuming you guys can wait a minute or two, I'll go the Fort and get my pay. Should be enough caps to buy the essentials." Raphael waved back at the group as he made his way to the Mormon Fort, taking quick strides. He didn't want to take too long. Luckily he didn't come across any undesirables along the way; killing a man would probably not give a good first impression on his new travel buds. When Raphael arrived, he pushed open the heavy wooden gate and headed inside. Passing by the tents to find the doctor who had his pay, he saw Stevenson resting in one of the cots. Raphael was surprised that the man actually came back, convincing an addict to get help usually wasn't as easy as just urging them to. Hell, it took Raphael almost DIEING to get help from the Followers, and even then he still has urges. Raphael spotted doctor Monroe, the man who gave him the job, looking over a clipboard by one of the tents. He looked up and greeted Raphael. "Aha, there you are! I was almost concerned. Good job on getting Manuel back. Once he kicks his habits, the people of Freeside can expect to live a few days longer." The two men shook hands. Raphael and Monroe knew each other quite well, as he was one of the doctors who found Raphael by the New Vegas sign. He was Raphael's usual task-giver. "Yeah, well, it was a hell of a lot easier than I thought it would be. Really, I just told him to go back here, essentially." Monroe smiled, which wasn't surprising to Raphael. He smiled all the damn time. "Of course, I'm not paying you based on the difficulty of the retrieval. All the matters is that you got it done! So here you are, eighty caps as promised. As a doctor, may I suggest buying some food? You look rather famished." Only then did Raphael feel the hunger pangs in his gut. "Hm...yeah, that's probably a good idea. Well I'll see ya later doc. Hit me up if you need anything." Doctor Monroe looked down at his clipboard for a second and then looked back up at Raphael. "Of course. Take care of yourself out there." Now with some caps silently clinking in his pockets, Raphael hurried off to Mick and Ralph's, with a small wave to the group as he headed inside. Ralph greeted him rather sarcastically. "Well well, if it ain't our favorite neighborhood errand boy! So what are the Followers having you do today, Raph?" Raphael rolled his eyes in response. "Yeah, nice to see you too Ralph. The Followers ain't having me do anything right now, I just got done with a job." He rattled his pockets, making the caps clink together conspicuously. "I'm headed out into the wastes for a little while. Gotta get some essentials for the journey. Mostly food and maybe a stim." Raphael followed Ralph to his counter, and watched Ralph check his stock. "Well, let's see here...I've got a couple of stimpaks, three iguana sticks, a pack of Fancy Lads...oh, and uh...two colas." Raphael took some caps out of his pocket. "I'll take two of the sticks, the Fancy Lads, and a stimpak." Ralph laid out the product in front of his customer and opened the rickety cash register next to him. "For you Raph, that'll be forty five caps." More than half of his pay gone. But Raphael didn't mind, because he knew that his caps wouldn't mean shit if he kicked the bucket out in the desert. Raphael paid his due in full, and put the goods in the small pack on his belt. After saying goodbye, he headed outside back to the group. "Well, I'm all set. Sorry about the wait."