A few things to clarify about the Dirophyd's appearance and the appearance of their ships: Dirophyds look a lot like [url=http://runezone.com/imagehost/images/7218/DidactFace_f.png]this[/url] but with much larger glowing green eyes, almost no hair, and horns that can be at any spot on their scalp. Oh and their skin is more silver and has a metallic sheen. Kiratiori Fighter/transport looks almost identical to: [url=http://rs212.pbsrc.com/albums/cc123/xdiesp/FTL%20ships/mantis_fighter_base.png~c200]This[/url] with varying color patterns. Pik Cruiser looks like [url=http://img20.imageshack.us/img20/5282/federationassault.png]this[/url] And lastly, the Morol Capital ship looks quite like [url=http://images.wikia.com/starwars/images/0/05/Vengeancefrigate.jpg]this[/url] but with an Ion Cannon in the center and hangar bays on either side. (fixed)