Dusk began to set over the forest, yet the dying light still visible over the Hindrun mountains in the distance was enough to illuminate a few hundred grim Klug and their village in the distance. They had been expected! The moment that the first few Mutig and zealots had emerged from the dense forest, they were spotted by the awaiting Klug. Any element of surprise was gone; it was fortunate that there was a considerable distance between the edge of the clearing, where the majority of Shaige's army was now gathered, and the Klug village with hundreds of warriors waiting right outside. With perhaps a mile separating the two platoons, Soran had time to quickly order the men into formations. The zealots, with their heavy armor, tower shields, and massive pikes, formed a line three men deep. With their augmented strength, the zealots were able to carry shields twice as thick as those of any normal humans. In their testudo formation, their shields created a wall of metal and roof that no arrow could hope to pierce, and enchantments in the shields would make projectiles of magical nature largely ineffective as well. In this way the zealots advanced in unison, exaggerating the rigidity and slowness of their movements so that the Klug would be caught off guard by their unnatural speed when the battle began. Behind them the hundred bowmen and few dozen druids formed a loose mass, with Fangir in the midst to issue orders. Normally Soran would have stationed them ahead of the zealots with the orders to fire upon the enemy and then retreat through holes in the infantry's formation in order to avoid being butchered in a melee battle. However, this tactic would be disastrous solely because they were so terribly outnumbered; for every shot the archers fired at the Klug, two or three would no doubt come in response. While the normal tribesmen were far more expendable than the zealots, Soran did not intend to waste their lives for such little gain. To any seasoned captain the army's plan would appear transparent. The zealots with their shield wall would engage and hold off the hordes of enemies, while the druids and bowmen behind would barrage the enemy until they were routed by the unstoppable zealots. The Klug, with their stone tools and hide armor, were obviously not accustomed to this type of warfare. As such, the way that they attempted to fight the zealots would be unpredictable, but the answer would be obvious to most officers experienced in this type of battle. With a hundred men and a row three deep, the zealots formed a line that was hardly more than thirty men abreast, and their testudo formation had them even more close than usual. As such, it would be easy enough to sacrifice some men to harass them or attack head-on, while the rest moved to flank the formation and attack the vulnerable Mutig tribesmen and druids that were positioned behind. While this would no doubt appear a solid strategy, it would spell almost certain doom. Soran had ordered the zealots to march in a line three men thick because of their ability to move nearly unhindered and unslowed in their armor. It would take only a few moments for the second and third rows to move outwards and lengthen the line, or directly engage any Klug that attempted to skirt around the formation to fight the tribesmen behind. With their unparallelled strength, stamina, and skill, the zealots would be even harder to break than they appeared. A row even just one man thick would likely be enough to hold back the charging Klug. So it was that the formidable zealots marched towards the Klug at an ominously slow rate, the other tribesmen trailing behind. The horned heads of Soran and his nine imps could just be seen some distance to the side of the zealots. In this position the demonic general could see the whole battle, something that would not have been possible from behind given the flat battleground. He would also be free to wreak havoc with his lethal magic before making a hasty retreat if he was charged. Though Soran's magic was rather weak as far as constructs went, he would still prove far more potent than nigh any mere human. ===---_---=== Shaige's ghostly form darted between the trees, the five shadow beasts bounding by his side and Ifrit following in his wake. Soon they were joined by a sixth shadow beast, one of those that had been sent to scout ahead and guard the main army from the eyes of any Klug scouts. The lupine monster, between its ragged panting, spoke to Shaige in some garbled language of growls. As they continued to move through the forest, the shadow beast warned its master that there had been an alarming amount of scouts. The beasts had disposed of at least twenty by the time this one left the others. A short while later, another eight joined Shaige's cohort. This time, the wraith stopped as one of the beasts in the form of a bear rapidly conveyed the results of an excursion into the Klug village itself. Any hopes of a surprise attack were hopeless; the Klug had already sheltered their weak within some temple atop the hill, while several hundred warriors were outside the village awaiting a battle. Hundreds more were inside the village as a reserve. Soran had already been spotted and was moving to attack, completely unaware of the reserve inside the village. His army was easily outnumbered by around three to one, maybe more. Turning to Ifrit, who would have been left to wonder was being said, Shaige's empty voice echoed out, [i]"The attack has begun. By some way they knew of our coming, and are prepared."[/i] The spirit in every way displayed calm, betraying no sign of the fury that he felt. How had they known? After hardly a second of reflection the wriath saw the answer right before him: Ifrit. He had only a few days ago ordered the monster to slay the Klug looting the village, yet leave some survivors. No doubt those survivors had found their way back and shared their tale. Sparing even a single Klug now seemed incredibly foolish in hindsight, but at least the sight of Ifrit would be even more terrifying now. Shaige's thoughts were interrupted by the unexpected arrival of the last shadow beast. This one, an owl, had welcome news. It informed its master that the pain elementals had stayed inside the forest, skirting around the clearing unseen. Some three and a half hundred of the deadly spirits laid in wait on the west side of the village, the opposite side of Soran's army. They were in a perfect position to approach unseen from behind the large temple, to assist Shaige and Ifrit in slaying the reserve forces inside the village. From there, it would be just a short march up to the temple, where the remnants of the Klug would be trapped. The owl was sent off, with orders to unleash the pain elementals onto the village the moment the sun's last rays vanished behind the mountains. That would leave Shaige and Ifrit some time to arrive at the fray. The two quickly set off, with the fourteen shadow beasts not far behind. Soran's army would likely have just began fighting the Klug outside the village's east gate by the time Ifrit burst forth from the treeline to the north, with orders to leap over the pathetic abatis that had been thrown together around the village. From there, the monster was to obliterate a few houses and rampage through the reserve forces. Terrified and thrown into chaos, the reserves would then fall easy prey to the pain elementals that would come shortly after. Shaige himself waved a hand and reduced a segment of the abatis to clumps of dirt as the wooden stakes rapidly rotted. The wraith then walked walked right into the village, towards the hill with the temple. The fourteen shadow beasts at his sides would attack any fool brave enough to try stopping the keeper.