[img]http://i.imgur.com/AXy5Xzf.png[/img] [b][u]Cervantés Mansion - Kitchen[/u][/b] Syed's face positively lit up at the sight of his closest friend, and soon the pair had their sleeves rolled up and were moping up the puddle to the best of their abilities. He was very much thankful of Lucien's help, even if he was better practiced at cleaning up spillages than his younger friend. While it was true the staff probably would have cleaned it up, it just didn't feel... right. "Yeah, this place is nice," Syed agreed. "Although I'll never get used to big places like this no matter how many we visit." He turned back to look at Lucien with a smile. "Although I guess I now know why you always take it in your stride. I've never been Falone, but I've heard about it." He chose to leave it at that, for a fair few reasons. [img]http://i.imgur.com/ylO8F8C.png[/img] Lucien moved the topic back to the photos, and Moira simply shoved another sausage in her mouth. Whole. "Weuh, I wa' fin'in' more pho'os of uf, bu' wha-efuh," she said, spraying pieces of sausage across the bar. Whatever that meant. "Didn't Lute get one of the girls' number?" Syed added as he stood up back to his usual towering height, spillage cleaned up. "You could always ask him if he could get one of the others for you." He laughed a little. "It's probably less creepy than oggling photos of them without them knowing about it, and you could tell her some more of your brilliant jokes." "How the hell did he even get some poor sod's number with you two sat at the table?!" Moira exclaimed, sausage now swallowed. "The boy has the odds against him enough what with the whole talking to himself thing..." [i]"Moira! Just the gal I wanted to see."[/i] "You're still gonna do it?" Moira blinked a couple of times once the sculptor had extended his offer once more. Angel's injuries were pretty obvious - he wasn't a man who could take abuse that well. Nor did he have the experiance to be able to bear through it in the way even the less hardy of the Pride could. "I dunno if it feels right considerin' how beat up you and your sister got." Syed followed Angel's gaze out the windows, similarly spotting Amy and Trixie by the pool. His expression softened a little at the sight of them, not that he realised it. The pool looked pretty nice right now, actually. He stood up and moved slightly closer to the window, munching at the last of his own breakfast now he wasn't throwing it across the floor. "Is it alright if we go for a swim when we're done eating? I don't even remember the last time I swam in a proper pool."