Emily observed the action going down below from atop the temple in a seated position, all but hidden by the shadows. Usually, she would pay no part in a fight, and let whoever would win, win. But there was something in there, something dark and evil. Much like herself. And the only thing she hated more than herself, where creatures like her. The tribesmen seemed smarter than originally granted, with many tactics against each of the enemy, bar this shadowy thing. While Emily was not exactly on the Klug's side, and so cared little about collateral damage, she wasn't going to whimsically throw massive gouts of fire around for no reason. However, fire brought to mind how dark it was turning, and Emily could not accurately incinerate things without being able to see them properly, so she stood, and held her arm out, a small globe of fire spawning from her hand, and raising into the sky as she threw it. Then, as it reached the apex, seventy feet above the ground, it grew many times, bursting into a miniature sun, and illuminating the entire village with it's radiant light. Inevitably, a few creatures would be temporarily blinded by the sudden influx of light, but that was beyond Emily's concern. With the new light, she saw the rampaging creature -Ifrit, not that she knew it's name - fighting the Kulg's reserves. with methodical precision, Emily rose her arm and pointed a single finger at Ifrit, channelling a highly concentrated dose of her Fire into a very thin, rather long beam. In this state, it lacked the magnificent explosion upon impact, but the penetration rating skyrocketed. It was a spell Emily thought great for single targets, especially targets that thought themselves safe behind whatever it was they wanted to hide behind. After a few seconds of channeling, Emily fired her beam directly at Ifrit, not really caring where she hit, just so long as she did. Emily wanted it's attention, and also to cause a bit of pain while she was at it. In this battle, Emily could not lose. Either it died, or she did, both where a victory for her. Furthermore, above in the sky, the heat from the massive Mini-Sun began to rise, and Storm-Clouds gathered in response, huge Cumulonimbus clouds carrying a massive of rain and electrical energy, ready to strike at random, or be directed.