Alright Elite, after several iterations I finally think I have something. Hello everyone. Long time no see for some of you. Let me know if any of this clashes with established canon or if there are any other problems and I'll fix them up. [b]Name:[/b] Shkitliktuit Tasthagk (No one can pronounce it properly, so she took on the human name 'Shiva' for when interacting with other cultures. Apparently Shkitliktuit is a common name where she is from.) [b]Species:[/b] Masulu [b]Height:[/b] 1.8 m / 5'11" [b]Age:[/b] 42 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Appearance:[/b] The first thing that people will remember if they've met Shiva is the masulu numeral tattooed onto her head that serves as her former criminal serial number. Apart from that, she's rather plain. Even according to other masulus, Shiva does not possess many particular distinguishing features among her body. If anything she seems athletic, and looks a little more compact and agile compared to other soldiers, but that's about it. Her carapace is mostly a reddish brown, tending to a dull blue near plate edges and on her exposed skin. Her eyes are a curious dark blue. [b]Equipment:[/b] - "Cheetah" medium combat armour. Standard issue for Masulu infantry, complete with storage space required for all equipment and an energy shield projector. - Medic's field kit. A variety of drugs and surgical tools required to perform field surgery and treat combat injuries. Recently expanded to cater for other races. - "[url=]Rebuffer[/url]" Plasma squad assault weapon. Trades the more compact profile and calibre of other masulu weapons for rate of fire. The Rebuffer is designed for suppression from a secure base of fire, much like a light machine gun. - "[url=]Custodian[/url]" Plasma pistol. Compact and reliable sidearm. [b]Skills/Abilities:[/b] [i]Biomass manipulation magic:[/i] A form of magic which, put simply, allows the user to heal bodies of living cells when in close proximity. Though the underlying mechanics that enable such an effect are as poorly understood as magic itself, closer study and experimentation has revealed that the neutrium that Shiva manipulates sieves through the DNA of living cells and constructs new tissue bound to those cells at a staggering rate, based on the DNA it passes near. This allows Shiva to close wounds right before everyone's eyes. With practice, she has been able to become more precise and accurate with her magic, learning to target specific tissue rather than grow colonies of infectious bacteria or inadvertently growing tumours on the patient's body. Something at the level of a flesh wound is a five second piece of cake to Shiva, but the higher complexity and greater amounts of tissue to be regenerated can quickly become exhausting. Regrowing someone's severed hand for instance, would take at least two days, non-stop for the effort required. This magic is limited to regenerating living cells. It cannot treat diseases or change genetic structure. [b]Background:[/b] Without a doubt, Shiva has had a chequered history with her own nation. She was raised in a mining colony on the outskirts of the sovereignty, one with poor governance and quality of life. Her magical abilities manifested at age eleven when she grew gardens of native fungus for fun at a rate much faster than their regular growth rate. This little trick she had learned did not seem to be an issue to her parents, so for the most part life was normal. In her early adult years, however, things took a turn. Due to several bad decisions, vote rigging, miscommunications, unchecked corruption and sheer display of incompetence by the governors running the colony, Shiva was swept up in a short rebellion during the war between the sovereignty and humanity. The colonial rebels, of whom she had joined in her naive youth, wanted to secede from the sovereignty and govern themselves. During this conflict, Shiva took part in guerrilla warfare and discovered that her magical abilities could be used for healing, making her a valuable asset. The rebellion was protracted for long enough to gain some publicity as most of the military was in war, but the rebellion was put down within a few months and Shiva was sentenced to fifty years jail time for treason. The years spent locked up in an environment that actively shamed your very existence gave Shiva a lot of time to think and mature. She reflected and learned to not prostrate to power unquestioningly, like her nationalistic people, but conceded to make them think it was in control of her enough reserve caution. She saw many of her fellows die and become abused in the crackdown, and it made her angry that the capitulum turned nought but a scornful eye to their motivations. She decided that when she had served her time, she would try to find work where it was more discrete, but fate had other plans. In only the third year of her sentence, the Sovereignty was on the back foot in the war. In desperation, the capitulum passed an initiative to draft mentally stable criminals into the army for use as support and cannon fodder. Shiva would not have been picked if not for her magic, but even then the decision of the people in charge was reluctant. Shiva didn't cause any trouble, in fact she saved the lives of so many masulu and tempu in the field that she became an asset to her former adversaries. Post-draft, Shiva's criminal record has been clear, but she has been frequently passed around from element to element by her superiors for the shame of having such an effective traitor fighting for them. This game of 'pass the combat medic parcel' eventually found its way past the war and into peacekeeping operations. During the next two decades or so, Shiva continued the military life, studying alien anatomy to become better at her job. It started with tempu anatomy, and then went on to other races. She has since gotten used to being in an unwelcome environment. When you meet her, Shiva seems more open minded and too wise for her own good compared to your average masulu. This doesn't mean she is particularly nice, however. She is quick to point out faults in people's actions or suggestions and tends to jump to critical conclusions. Even so, she is professional as can be and tends to be creepily endearing to her patients, as if she finds a macabre humour in having them depend on her.