Noelle stood her ground, her face marked with a subtle but smug grin, unaware that Sharee was onto her magic. The magic was going to last a few more minutes, but this would be a good chance to get into Sharee's good graces. While the effect isn't permanent, the actions done during ti's duration can often result in the same effect. In other words, if Noelle can actually raise Sharee's disposition to a high level while Sharee is still under the effects of Noelle's illusion, she should continue having the same feelings for Noelle. Now the breton just had to play her cards right. "You flatter me Captain, if that's your intent. And I cannot say that I would not enjoy that... But maybe another time, when neither of us have our duties to attend to." Noelle tried to play the professionalism card. It works rather well for her when she was a bard, good for keeping suitors away when she really does have to do work. It gave them the impression that she was actually giving them a chance. But at the same time, she can't let her quarry get away. She'd try to reverse the table of questioning. "Perhaps it was all the drink from last night? Though I doubt that someone of your constitution would be effected by merely a barrel or two of ale. Still... While I'm in town, perhaps I can find a tonic to ease the effect of all the alcohol. Would that please you?"