Noelle was going to try to keep smoothing talking Sharee when she suddenly slammed the door, blocking Noelle's only viable exit. Sharee's former, seductive appearance was replaced with one far more furious. Noelle's own expression changed, to a more stoic and aloof look that masked her fright and worry. [i]"This shouldn't be happening, the magic should still be in effect..."[/i] Noelle thought, looking at Sharee. The magic was still there, but the captain... Was more perspective than Noelle thought. But it should still be in effect, and now that Sharee was more or less onto her, she needed to use it more than ever. More importantly, Noelle needed to defuse this situation before things got out of hand. [i]"However... I can't rely on magic right now. I have to think of something..."[/i] Clearing her throat, Noelle put on a smile. Both to hide her intentions as well as give her a boost of confidence. "Oh? Well than, perhaps it's something more serious... An maybe, just maybe, a touch unfamiliar." At times like this, crime, once exposed, has no refuge but in audacity. "Captain, what is love?"