Posted ^^! I left it pretty open ended, so feel free to start out anywhere. The guides are seated around a table with food, but are free to get up and leave. Some humans can start out around the same table as well, I kind of made scene setups for some of you guys, but you're free to twist those to your liking. The groups haven't been assembled at the moment, so it's up to you guys to meet up ^^! If Ran and Lesley play their cards right Amiel and the cat woman could serve as guides since they know the castle fairly well. The room setups will be entirely up to you, though I might try to throw stuff in from time to time. Those who will have their humans stay behind and join the party, you're free to come up with anything you like as well. This is a downtime chapter so there isn't a goal we're working towards. You can all do absolutely anything :)! The only objective is to interact with others and hopefully strengthen the bonds that have begun to form. This downtime chapter should last around a week or two. After that, we'll begin chapter five >8D! The Steampunk chapter and halfway point of the RP.