[center][img=http://i.imgur.com/k7pmSIv.png][/center] Brandy sighed as Cello flitted around the couch he and Song were sitting in. The party was in full swing and the castle was filled with important guests of the Queen who were having the time of their lives. The two battered guides, however, would have much preferred to have been allowed to stay in their rooms and rest. The healing potions did wonders and now the wounds the group had accumulated from their journey were gone (though Brandy's ribs still squeaked now and then in protest), and yet the rabbit would hesitate to say that they were all fine. The humans had been hit hard by the deaths of their two companions, and there had been an awkward rift forming between them and the guides as well. [i]"You know what, I think you guys need a good vacation. Just forget about work, and y'know, chill."[/i] That was actually quite a nice decision. "Perhaps we should take a break," He agreed, sitting up and taking the cup of tea in his hands. He gave the cat a small glower when he ruffled his hair but ignored the overly-touchy action otherwise. "I'll talk to the queen after the party... They shouldn't need us for the next item if it's as easy as you say.' Not to mention that the humans probably needed some time away as well after what had happened in the cabin. Martini had been much quieter than usual after reaching the castle, and had even skipped out on the grandest party the queen has thrown. He couldn't help but worry slightly, but there wasn't much he could do. He spared a glance towards the pink haired human who was surrounded by fawning Nobodies. The cat finally left and Brandy reclined back, looking beside him to the grumpy Song. Perhaps they could leave and go somewhere quieter? He opened his mouth to ask- [i]"Songbird, if it isn't my favorite item hunter!"[/i] Fudge dipped celery on a stick. Brandy twitched, ears twitching at the shrill voice as he turned to greet the newcomer. "Miss Biv," He greeted the colorful woman dryly, only to be interrupted again. "I've told you, darling, call me Mona! Really, who names someone Roy G. Biv? Horrid name, it is." "Fine, Mona." He sighed again, then frowned. Song, as bad as a mood as he was in, would feel bad for turning down a dance from anyone. "And I'm we were just about to go to the library." He stood up, wincing as his ribs gave a muffled creak before turning and offering his hand to Song. "so we'll have to turn down your offer to dance. Sorry." --- [center][img=http://i.imgur.com/b27GvEb.png][/center] Martini broke the surface of the mini lagoon that encompassed half of her room in the castle, dragging herself onto a comfortable rock and lay there quietly. She smiled at the fishes that poked their heads out of the water and prodded at them, causing them to blow tiny bubbles as they squealed. She giggled in turn, before her face fall again when she spotted her tail. It was a drab grey now just like the rest of her- the only color left was a pale blue sheen in her eyes as a result of stubbornly using her magic well past her limits. Her fingers and the tips of her tail were even translucent for a time, but she had been recovering quite well. It would be a while before she could use any magic again, however. The sound of music, muffled by the carved oaken doors of her room drifted into the room and the mermaid tapped her fingers against the rock in beat with the tune and gave a glance at the door. Earlier some of her friends had came by to see whether she had changed her mind and wanted to go to the party after all, which she had merely replied that she was tired before retreating into the bottom of the lagoon. She wasn't really- honestly she had just been too embarrassed to show herself in this condition. It was a silly and shallow reason, but the mermaid just couldn't bring herself to go in case people started laughing at her. And then there was the fact that the humans were there too... She slid off the rock, sighing and watching as the air bubbles rose to the surface. As much as she had forgiven them, she had been avoiding them since returning to Sol. She had to face them eventually, she knew, but mermaid had no plans on seeking them out just yet.