[img]http://i.imgur.com/2uDBgEK.png[/img] [b][u]Aliquam: Cervantes Mansion[/u][/b] “M-m-me and Marcus?” Estelle instantly blushed and took a step back out of recoil as she stared at Xandra and then Aria, before looking away, unable to make eye contact. She could suddenly feel her body growing much hotter and uncomfortable, and her cheeks felt like they were burning. “M-me and Marcus aren’t… er… like that… we’re just… really… good, um, friends… and… and…” The bashful swordswoman then clenched her eyes shut and raised both her hands and voice into the air as she towered over Xandra. “No topic changing, Xan! We’ve gotta focus on you and your date! We need to make you super super pretty and wear a gorgeous outfit and knock Angel out, right Aria!?” “C’mon, I think Rose should probably have some nice outfits! We could go ask her if you could borrow one, Xan!” Estelle smiled infectiously and grabbed the girl by her prosthetic hand, dragging her down the corridor, as her other clung beside Aria’s own. She leaned in close to the illusionist and whispered something very quiet and quick, too quick for Xandra to hear. “Er, Aria, I, um, wouldn’t mind some tips later… maybe… possibly…?” She grew bright pink again and then sped up more quickly towards Rose’s room. --------- [img]http://i.imgur.com/9qAfFLn.png[/img] [b][u]Aliquam: Cervantes Mansion: Rose’s room[/u][/b] “Ah… Lute. Hello. It’s good to see you,” The Cervantés heiress smiled upon seeing the good natured swordsman appear at her door with a large tray of fruit at hand. She smiled somewhat deviously, not even noticing the dull or numb pain that accompanied her ankle anymore after seeing Lute again. She gestured with her hands for him to enter. “I see you’ve finally decided to come out of our bathrooms. You were stuck in there for so long after these last few days… Angel thought you might have had a problem with your stomach. We have some medicine for that, actually, if you need any. How are you feeling, Lute? Are you okay?” --------------- [b][u]Aliquam: Cervantes Mansion: Pool[/u][/b] Outside, the sun was positively shining upon the two girls relaxing besides the Cervantes’ pristine and sparkling pool. Both Trixie and Amy relaxed with their legs dipped in the pool and sighed with relief at the gorgeous sensation they were flooded with. After all the running they had done a couple of days ago (Amy in particular, whilst not running, had done far too much walking in her high heels then one should ever have to be expected to), it was a nice relief to just sit and rest their feet. Trixie’s face and upper body moved in wild, exaggerated motions as she spoke to Amy with unbridled enthusiasm, her legs even kicking the water up at the surface, as Amy just looked back nonplussed. Neither woman were aware… that they weren’t alone. [i][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZvCI-gNK_y4]Dun dun[/url][/i] [b]DUN DUN[/b] Something in the pool’s deep end moved slowly closer, and closer, their sight firmly entrenched upon both girls. [b]DUN DUN[/b] The water made things incredibly blurry, but he could still them both well enough. Especially the blonde woman, and how well she filled that gorgeous dress of hers out. The woman that was a goddess… [b]DUN DUN DUN DUN DUNDUNDUNDUN[/b] With an almighty crash, a figure erupted from the pool, causing water to splash all over the startled Trixie and Amy. Each second of their reaction was captured by their attacker, on film, as Simon took photo after photo with his super handy waterproof camera! [img]http://i.imgur.com/unVxaeB.png[/img] “Say [i]cheeeeese!![/i]” “WHAT?!” Trixie screamed. “CHEESE?! Where?!”