Ah, I had been envisioning the temple as a huge, stone dome-like structure atop a terraced hill. It seemed a bit excessive and grand for a bunch of tribal people without even a proper wall around their settlement. Well, Shaige would have had a hard time destroying a cave temple anyways, so at least I have no regrets about blowing up the magical sun instead. [quote=KabenSaal] On the magical front, Emily is unusually powerful for a Rogue Being. But her physical aspects are barely about a standard humans.So, Reading Ifrit's post, and unless Shaige does something big, I'm going to blow up the temple Emily and Ifirit are currently on ;p [/quote] ...and deny Shaige the 5,000 unarmed people (soon to be slaves, if all goes as Shaige plans) that were the main reason he bothered to attack the Klug. Boy, Emily would sure make some enemies, and dangerous ones at that. I have to wonder why she'd even want to massacre all those people, though.