Jordan adjusted everything into place with a few shrugs of her shoulders, spinning on her heel once she made sure everyone was set. She unfolded a paper map, one she seemed to have drawn herself, marred with a thousand little notes and symbols. She looked up at the Old Mormon Fort, checked a compass, and turned to rigidly face the north. She began walking, half buried in her map, glancing back occasionally to make sure her companions were following. “I’ve got a few places I’d like to check first. If we’re lucky, we can make it to one of them and set up camp before—“ She grunted as she bumped rather heavily into an older man, one whose hat fell right off his head. He cursed, picking it up and dusting it off. He was dressed like a gambler on his way to New Vegas, but the extensive patches in his suit told against any kind of fortune. He hung a dirty revolver from his belt. He leveled his gaze on her face and recognized her quickly. “Robot-bangin’ bitch, watch it! Jesus, this thing is brand new!” He glowered down at her as he adjusted his hat, and she glared right back. He seemed to falter a little, shaking his head finally and preparing to shove through the three men behind her. Seeing that one was a ghoul and they were all armed to the teeth, he gave nervous pause and looked back at her. “W-when…? Well, uh—“ He glanced at Terry, “—I’ll get outta your hair.” She hadn’t seen a man slink off so quickly in her life. The only indication she made to feeling anything about the confrontation was a little shake of her head. “Asshole.” She kept walking, glancing upward a little more frequently until they were nearly out of Freeside. A few little dust devils were busy spinning themselves to death near the exit, picking up bits of trash along the way. She slapped away some junk paper that flew her way and checked her map. “Now, I don’t really know the exact, uh, location of the first place I wanna check out, but this one caravan guy I met on the road told me he saw a shitton of critters near this one old radio tower, so we could start there. If you guys start feeling sick or hurt anywhere at all while we’re out there, let me know and I’ll check it out.” She gave the kind of nervous laugh someone gave when they were half-kidding. “I’d rather not accidentally kill any of you in the name of discovery.”