No worries, Buns! Everyone pretty much skipped last round so it's not a problem. ^^ I don't mind if you guys don't read this lol, but I should leave an explanation here in case I seem extremely pissy/distressed for the next... however long. I'll be in England in two weeks so hopefully our stress levels are dead by then... ugh. I've been [i]super[/i] grumpy as of late and I apologize for that ><; EDIT: Blah, feeling better after that tl;dr vent so I'm just wiping it. Basically my other dog is sick and my mum's flipping out because she thinks our neighbors (who hate dogs) poisoned him (Joey) and Riley since they both got sick. Paid for an X-ray as well because bloodwork alone couldn't tell us if he had stones or not, and with Riley's kidney failure, I didn't want to take the chance with Joey's sickness being worse than it looked. Thankfully it's not haha, and he wasn't poisoned either, though he's on a prescription diet now - which combined with today's expenses and Riley's stuff as well... It's taking a huge toll on our finances lately so :/. We also found a house we like above the other ones we've been looking at - affordable monthly payments... But a $3400 deposit fee to secure our application. :| Really sorry for all the doom n gloom on my end. It's been a really rough summer. A lot of positives followed by all these negatives ughh... -.-