[center][img=http://i.imgur.com/LAshoov.png][/center] Inadi struggled for air as he was forced to endure another of Mr. Cuddles' deadly bear hugs again. It seemed that with every single time the hold was applied to him, an extra layer of strength went into it. Maybe it was just that Inadi, still somewhat sore from the wounds he had suffered from the run in with the witch, or just that the big old bear really did miss him. Either way Inadi tried his best not to push the big bear away and kept his grunts of pain to a minimum for the baker's sake. Once the bear let the poor boy go, Inadi fixed his suit and jacket that the people of the castle had fitted him into. He was very much against it. It made him feel like some kind of [url=https://tse3.mm.bing.net/th?id=HN.608004401118055988&pid=1.7] walking banana peel[/url]. Everyone else in the group had moderately good looking clothing and none of them that he had seen so far had anything that made the eyes bleed quite like his own. Still it was his suit so he would work out the best of it. A silver lining is in all things if you can look deep enough for it. With this suit however it would take a lot of digging to find it, or in this case a lot of climbing to reach the top of this banana tree. Looking back up at Mr. Cuddles made Inadi smile as he remembered all the little gingerbread men that he helped bake at the shop with the bear and how easy life was for the early going in his trip to Nowhere. However, the newspaper clipping immediately came to mind soon after and it made the boy feel rather uncomfortable. The hooded figures had shown up to fight the witch and then just as quickly disappeared before he could ask any questions about what Mr. Cuddles had to do with it all. Inadi wanted his answers as to what those people wanted and what the bear in front of him had to do with it all as well. Yet he was already on some pretty thin ice he imagined, even in the group somewhat since he had painted himself a proper ass after his near threat he issued Avian back in the cabin before things turned south. Still blaming himself a lot for what happened he shook the idea and guilt from his head slowly as he returned his attention to the situation in front of him. “Sadly Mr. Cuddles, Vincent is no longer with us. I'm afraid a witch killed him some time ago,” He explained with a down look on his face. “Lesley lost his arm and Riley took a few bumps and bruises as well. Nothing has been easy since we came to the castle. Honestly I think we were better off staying in your shop for the long haul in the end.” He told the bear with a frown as he remembered the others who had also died fighting the witch. Hard to imagine that so many people were gone now, permanently because of one single thing. It wasn't an army, it wasn't even something bigger than all of them. It was a single entity. And it killed three of the group. An unbelievable chill traveled up his spine as he thought about it. Taking his mind off the subject, Inadi went to give Mr. Cuddles a small hug. It was a quick one, one that didn't really mean much other than that he appreciated the concern of the bear. Stepping away from it he gave him a small smile. “But I'm glad for you Mr. Cuddles, I hope that you and Ms. Panda have a great second date. In the meantime I'm going to get something to snack on here and probably turn in early. To be honest I've never been a big party guy.” He said with a chuckle and a quick pat to the bear's side. Truth be told Inadi just wanted to rest his body and let the thoughts in his mind disappear. So much had happened that he just wanted to get away from it all. Getting up towards a small table with snacks on it, Inadi began preparing a small plate for himself. The table was covered in treats and deserts for the most part and it made Inadi visible frustrated. All he wanted was something to fill his stomach, not a cavity. Finding a small collection of apple slices and grapes, or at least things that looked like apple slices and grapes, he began piling them on. Who knew what they called them here or what they tasted like. Hell they may have even more sugar in them then the cakes did. Looking to his left he noticed that Ace and Riley were walking out of a door and going who knows where. He shook his head with a laugh. Finally stopping his ransacking of the treat table he took a single grape and plopped it in his mouth. Luckily it tasted just like he remembered grapes tasting. He then proceeded to pop another grape into his mouth, followed by another, and then another. Some bunnies looked over at the man in the horrid suit gorging himself on grapes at the snacks table with curious looks, all of which Inadi didn't even notice as he continued to enjoy his treat with maybe the first genuine smile he had since leaving Mr. Cuddles' bakery.