[img=http://i.imgur.com/t9SKBzc.png] [img=http://i.imgur.com/dO6vRyy.png] [b][u]Aliquam: La Mansion de Cervantés - Pool[/u][/b] Despite Simon's hopes of snagging photos of a startled busty blonde, Amy merely watched with a deadpan expression as the pool basically erupted and slathered the two girls with water. Trixie did all the gasping and jumping and yelping enough for the both of them; she only stopped with a deflated sigh once she realized there wasn't any actual cheese anywhere. As the water settled again and Simon was back to snapping photos in the open, Amy's eyes narrowed even further. [i]CRACK![/i] A beam of light flashed out of nowhere. The photographer was not only blinded, but was immediately knocked [i]out[/i] of the pool and into the tall wooden fence just beyond the nearest edge. The impact wasn't enough to send the wood crashing down, but considering the camera took a direct hit from Amy's light whip (along with the rest of his upper torso), it shattered upon impact. Once Amy retracted her whip back into the gem in her fist, she closed her eyes tight and let out a deep breath, trembling her fist. Startled a second time, Trixie turned to her older companion. "Hey Ames! You hurt him so bad that his nose is bleeding! Shouldn't you fix it? Ames?" Amy completely ignored her and headed straight for the doors instead. She didn't even bother to wring out her drenched hair or dress. Trixie looked back to Simon, blinking, before retrieving her fallen toast and munching on it casually. Just staring at Simon. And eating soggy toast. [img=http://i.imgur.com/cfQzJva.png] Angel shrugged in response to Moira's quizzical expression. He didn't bother hiding his pain; of those that needed the rest, next to his sister he was the one who slept in most. His injuries weren't as bad as being surrounded by shards of glass like Moira was - at least that's how he felt - but at least now he'd never take being able to walk without feeling like puking for granted again. "Hey, if you guys hadn't helped out, we'd be without a school at all. 's just one little extra sign of thanks I could offer. Besides, I'm not gonna be handicapped forever. If I wanted that, I'd join the army," he grinned, "or become a guilder." Before Angel could turn his attention to Syed next, the sliding door suddenly and loudly flew open. In walked Amy, soaking wet, with her eyes still scrunched shut. She stormed straight passed them, up the stairs, into the nearest bathroom, and slammed the door. Like Moira and Trixie previously, Angel blinked in a mixture of confusion and curiosity. "Huh. She doesn't have a good temper, does she." He then turned his attention to the back porch, shaking his head at the sight of Simon. "Pinche idiota. He's lucky that wasn't my sister again. Oh hey Lucien, he might still have those photos on him actually~"