Oh, gosh...Inadi's suit made me laugh, I'm so sorry, but walking banana peel is very accurate. Wellp, at least he's happy now, d'awww :)! And Lesley is rocking that dress, no wonder Amiel thought he was a lady, awesome posts you guys (^w^)b And we defo need to visit Marti later ;A; poor mermaid needs love and hugs. Ooh, just noticed! :D Congratulations everyone. *Raises glass of milk* Here's to 500 more and many more shenanigans to come. Plus, we're turning a year old on September so that's nice. *Throws hugs around* How are you guys doing on this fine mornight? I hope it treats you all well ^^. *Drops a video* [youtube]335PYiomiyM[/youtube]