[img]http://i.imgur.com/J8VStXo.png[/img] At the mention of Falone, the summoner made a sour face. "Eh, it's okay. Pretty boring though and it's filled with snooty people like Boris." He resisted the urge to roll his eyes, because, what was so great about racing horses and hunting geese anyways? "Hey, hey, if we ever pass by, I should take you to my favorite restaurant. And the library too, it's probably the best thing about the place." He lit up a little, it wasn't the best place, but yeah, it was still home. "Heh, I'm glad I left, travelling with you guys is the best thing that's ever happened to me." The Pride was special, because where else could people find superheroes with great hair and women who could probably punch through monster's chest? Ha, nowhere but with the Pride. Maybe he could ask the boss for punching tips. [i]"How the hell did he even get some poor sod's number with you two sat at the table?!" [/i] Ouch. "EH!" Syed's suggestion was pretty much drowned out by the boss' painful comment. He popped up behind Syed and stared at Moira incredulously. "What are you talking about? Syed's got that tall dark and handsome vibe and I'm the cool one." Lucien elbowed Syed in the ribs and grinned. "One of the girls even called him exotic." Oh, he would have rambled on and on if not for Angel's sudden entrance and Moira's suggestion to swim. "That sounds good! Hey, Angel. Simon's out there, right? Maybe I'll go ask him then." Lucien nodded at the thought but froze when his eyes landed on Amy. She could be really scary sometimes. "Um, yeah, I'll head out and join Simon. I'll be waiting by the pool for you guys." And with that, Lucien disappeared to join a bleeding Simon and shrieking Trixie. He blinked at the scene then waved in Simon's direction. "Erm, are you okay?" --- [img]http://i.imgur.com/ZEQcnsM.png[/img] Estelle's reaction was priceless. "Don't worry leader," by now the metallurgist was laughing, "your secret is safe with us." To be honest though, it didn't seem like much of a secret. Trixie had teased their leader at the ball, and Estelle seemed very much bothered by the thought of Marcus dancing with another woman. Then their leader exploded and Xan tossed a knowing smile at Aria. "Alright , it's the leader's orders, so I guess I can't argue." Their leader's cheer was very contagious and before she could say more, the girl grabbed them both by the arms and began dragging them down the hallway. "You two are really excited, huh?" She arched an eyebrow at both her friends, It was kind of silly, but then again, Xan really appreciated the help. Still, the thought of disturbing Rose while she was resting didn't exactly sound good. "We should probably make sure Rose is up before we knock, alright? We don't want to disturb her if she's asleep." They reached the door and the sound of muffled voices reached them. It looked like Rose was awake, but she seemed to be talking to someone. Xan hoped Estelle and Aria wouldn't randomly burst in.