[img=http://i.imgur.com/UPINOf1.png] [b][u]Aliquam: Cervantes Mansion[/b][/u] Hmm, which date was Angel talking about? The virtuoso racked his brain to find the answer to that question, feeling as if there was [i]something[/i] most everyone was hyped up about recently… Ah! “Oh, er, good luck! Not that you need it, but… Good luck! Have fun!” Lute managed to stammer out as the aristocrat passed by. Maybe… Maybe later he would ask Angel how it went. Or, more specifically, what he did. ‘I mean, how do you entertain someone for that span of time? With conversation? I suck at that. With food? Well, sure I can cook but… Am I supposed to [url=https://31.media.tumblr.com/57a081c7d825d0752e6ea5dcb57aae4c/tumblr_inline_n5gsbueKl41s6wdnc.gif]dance[/url]?’ The virtuoso thought, then shook his head and turned his attention back to Rose. [I]“I see you’ve finally decided to come out of our bathrooms. You were stuck in there for so long after these last few days… Angel thought you might have had a problem with your stomach. We have some medicine for that, actually, if you need any. How are you feeling, Lute? Are you okay?”[/I] She mentioned medicine for an upset stomach and he blushed brightly as he set down the tray on the bedside table. Ah, so they noticed that? So that was why the staff eyed him whenever he walked through the hallways. “I’m fine, thank you for the concern. I just… That kid and his stink bombs…” Lute sighed and shook his head, “Anyways. Your injury’s healing nicely, isn’t it? I’m sorry I couldn’t do anything back then.” After a moment’s thought, the virtuoso added, “I think… You’ll probably go back to help supervise at the Academy once you've healed, right? Please don’t wear yourself out.” Just then, the doors were thrown open and three girls appeared. Lute turned around, shocked, and awkwardly raised a hand. “Ah, hello…?” He muttered out. Great timing, girls. Really appreciate it.