[img]http://i1111.photobucket.com/albums/h461/kathichan1/ariacastshot.png[/img] [u][b]Aliquam: Cervantés Mansion[/b][/u] The illusionist couldn't help the grin as she was tugged down the hall towards Rose's room. Their leader was way too adorable for her own good- Marcus had better step up his game before Estelle was snatched away by another guy. She couldn't help but wonder whether Marcus was just as clueless as a certain Lulu- she was quite sure that everybody in the Pride knew about the two. Still, they were focusing on Xan for the moment. "We'll talk later," she whispered back with a wink. "And Xan, do you know where you and Angel are going yet? We'll have to dress you for the occasion after all- ah, this is the room?" Xan barely had half her warning about checking to see Rose was awake first out before Aria flung open the door with a cheery greeting. "Gooood morning Rose, how's your ankle- Oh hey, Lulu!" She hadn't expected to see the white-haired virtuoso here as well. She gave him a cheeky grin- was there another brewing date on the horizon? Perhaps she should stay here longer and see if she could bag a guy if even Lulu had managed to pick up girls, being the clueless little cutie he was. "Hope we're not interrupting anything, but do you have any dresses we can borrow?" Aria addressed the woman again, giving Xan a cheerful pat on the back. "We were hoping you could lend us one since Xan's got a date coming up."