Dylan watched the interaction between the Doctor and the gambler. As the man began to slink off, Dylan stepped in front of him and adjusted his grip on his .50cal rifle into his left hand. With his right hand, he slowly and deliberately reached up, palmed the man's hat, reversed his hand, and placed it on top of his own head. "Nice hat. I meant to bring one along, and this [i]gift[/i] means a lot to me. Thank you." As he finished talking, Dylan stepped aside and let him continue to slink off. He resumed his two handed grip on his rifle. Outside of Freeside, Dylan looked to the skyline, "If you know the direction, just look for a radio tower. We can hop from tower to tower until we find the one with critters comin' out of it. As for the meds, I've got a trio of RadAway, RadX, and stims. They are in the front pocket of my backpack, lettin' you know just in case I can't get to them. And I'd rather not be accidentally killed in [i]anything's[/i] name, heh. This place you're taking us, it a place we're gonna clean out and hunker down for the night or what's the story behind it?" As he spoke, Dylan kept a vigilant eye on the horizon, looking for Radio Towers and the telltale scaly hooked tail in the air of Radscorpions.