Sharee was quite obviously furious, but she did not turn violent, not yet. Instead, she sneered at Noelle, then took a seat across from her at the table. She leaned forward, glaring at the Breton before her. "So, you thought it wise to try and manipulate me? I don't care how to try to pretty it up, you used your magic to try to subvert my own thoughts, it doesn't even really matter for what reason. You reached into the mind of me, your captain, to try and influence me into giving you what you wanted. I [i[hope[/i] you can see why that is unacceptable, and cannot go unpunished. Now, I'm a woman of my word. You confessed when asked, so you still have your job and your pay, but I cannot, nor would I want to, just let this go. Right now, you have two choices. Choice one is that you give in and accept your punishment with some dignity. You put up no resistance and let me do what I need to do to give a good example of why my crew shouldn't cross me and I'll cut the severity of your punishment in half. We'll get it over with, then get back to business as usual. Choice two is that you try to escape your punishment, I detain you, then I punish you anyway, at full severity. I can guarantee that things won't be the same for you after that. Now, make your choice, what will it be?"