hey there everyone! I've caught up on the ICs and am about to start writing a post of my own. c: I've absolutely loved what everyone's done! I think this will be the last posting round for this chapter (It kind of extended a bit longer then I thought lolololol sorry orz) and so I'd like everyone to finish off interactions here and I'll endeavour to end the chapter tomorrow, and Rex's co-gm chapter will begin. :) This chapter has been kind of a funny one for various reasons, but I think we've managed to make it work and our thief storyline was awesome and hilarious in equal measures. You know you've got a good batch of characters when you're almost rooting for the villains to win. Either that or you're like Kei and you crave oodles of property damage. >8D [quote=Kathi]She gave him a cheeky grin- was there another brewing date on the horizon? Perhaps she should stay here longer and see if she could bag a guy if even Lulu had managed to pick up girls, being the clueless little cutie he was.[/quote] [img]http://img.mrdrsr.net/meganebu-03.gif[/img]