[img]http://i.imgur.com/9qAfFLn.png[/img] [b][u] Aliquam: Cervantes Mansion[/u][/b] A warm smile crept upon Rose’s lips as she heard Lute speak. She was about to reply, and help clarify that Lute had indeed helped her more then he would give himself credit for- if it wasn’t for him, she and Sebastian would have been hurt even worse, and what else might have happened to the Academy without him and the Pride was even more horrible to imagine. She had a lot of respect, gratitude and affection for Lute, especially after the way he had fought to defend her honour… and the simple kindness he displayed, whether it be with accepting her dance or checking up on her to offer her fruit. It was a shame he didn’t seem to understand how decent of a man he was. But as she was about to speak, the door to her room opened yet again, this time with more enthusiastic gusto then Lute’s own, and in came Aria, Estelle and Xandra. After a moment of brief bewilderment and surprise, Rose chuckled, and began laughing. [img]http://i.imgur.com/2uDBgEK.png[/img] “A date, hmm? Yes, I’ve heard a lot about that,” Rose laughed. “Of course I have a lot of dresses you could wear. I’m sorry I can’t exactly get up to help you look but… there’s loads there in my closets that you’re more then welcome to borrow.” Estelle, Aria, Xandra and Lute all followed the direction of Rose’s arm, and one by one their eyes widened and jaws fell in amazement at the ridiculous size of the closets lining the span of almost two walls. Rose had… an incredible amount of clothes. And were those doors to be opened, the girls would be greeted with a rainbow of various colours and fabrics and frocks of all styles and beauty. An interesting contrast to Angel’s typical rudimentary outfit. [img]http://i.imgur.com/8I5EqBQ.png[/img] “What’s going on in here…?” Asked Dalia, poking her head through the door with some amusement at seeing Estelle and Aria digging through Rose’s closets and pulling out and holding the dresses out in front of the nonplussed Xandra. They and Rose continued to laugh heartily, as Lute suddenly became reminded of his experiences at The Red Parasol. Girls seemed to really love clothes… ------------ [img]http://i.imgur.com/unVxaeB.png[/img] [b][u] Aliquam: Cervantes Mansion: Pool[/u][/b] Lying in a crumpled heap at the foot of the wooden fence surrounding the Cervantés Mansion, Simon quietly smouldered by himself as Trixie watched with her feet lightly swaying in the pool and her teeth nibbling on her soggy toast. This man really was something. Simon meanwhile, in all of his pain, injury and anguish at the state of his camera, had only one thing lodged in his thoughts… …and that was about how much of a hot beauty Amy was. For some incredible reason, that hit… that brief moment of intimate contact… was incredible. It sent shocks straight through his body. He was in love. <3 If only the Pride weren’t leaving so soon! He had a lot of juicy and incredible photographs of Rose and Miss Dalia… but this group were an entire bevy of babes! Perhaps he should tag along? "Erm, are you okay?" Lucien waved from across the pool. Simon’s body however didn’t seem to move. Lucien frowned, and then looked down at Trixie. “You think he’s still alive?” Then, the summoner became acutely aware of a large and ominous shadow surrounding him, blotting out the entire sun. His eyes bulged in fear and fright, and he quickly spun on the spot, even more amazed and afraid by what he saw. The noble moustachioed steed Sebastian, looking right back at him, his face mere millimetres away from Lucien’s. He stuck his tongue out, and sloppily licked Lucien. “Ugh! Ew! Ahh!” Lucien, sputtering and waving in front of his face, back stepped straight into the pool. The splash made Trixie’s soggy toast that much more soggier.