[img]http://i.imgur.com/ylO8F8C.png[/img] [b][u]Cervantés Mansion[/u][/b] Moira spent most of the time as Lucien rabbited on staring at him in bewielderment. Wait, didn't Sy [i]hate[/i] being called exotic? Yep, he did, the look on his face said it all. Still, she supposed out of those two Lucien was the cooler one. Although that really wasn't saying much at all in her books. [i]"Besides, I'm not gonna be handicapped forever. If I wanted that, I'd join the army,"[/i] Angel grinned, [i]"or become a guilder."[/i] "Hey! Guilder should be first choice!" Moira protested, swallowing down the last bit of scrambled egg and slamming her hand on the bar. "We're loads better! The army has this whole better than you thing, while the Guild? They don't give a [i]shit[/i] where you come from or what you look like or if you've got [i]'anger management issues'[/i]. They just want you to do a good job." She suddenly became aware that she was standing up. Oh. She chose instead to put a hand on her hip and point into the air with the other, staring at Angel with those pale grey eyes. "I know we got this rep for being all like, hobos and wierdos and drunks, but that's only some of the time! But yeah. Maybe keep with your sculptures, you're really good at those." She had an idea for a sculpture actually, one she would tell the aristrocrat before they left. And Moira being Moira, it wasn't particularly classy... [img]http://i.imgur.com/AXy5Xzf.png[/img] Meanwhile Syed stared as Amy stormed straight past them and off into the mansion. "Amy's... an enigma," he said finally in response to Angel's question. "And yeah, she's got a temper, but really the only way you can set it off is by being an idiot." He sighed, his eyes unfocusing. "I just wish I could get her to open up more. She's really fun to hang out with when she does. But... I don't know how. Not anymore." He smiled almost sadly, if anything. He seemed to recover quickly enough though, turning back to them with a grin. "Come on, let's join them." --- The pair arrived at the pool shortly later, decked out in their swimwear. Moira, being unable to swim herself, was of course intent on sitting in the dry and attempting to look fabulous. Syed meanwhile took in the scene with his head cocked to one side. Was it safe to have a horse so close to a pool? Was Simon okay? Was Trixie's toast okay?! "He's alive, he's farting," Moira said all the sudden, once she had moved a little closer. "That's how you tell with guys," she added to Trixie, raising a finger to hammer home this important lesson. "It's more reliable than checkin' for breathin'." "Are you sure it's not the ho-ARGH!" Syed started... only to slip on the now wet surface surrounding the pool, all long limbs as he fell in after Lucien. It was only by virtue of her strength that Moira wasn't pulled in after him, but it was very close.