[quote=BBeast] We've never considered such a thing before. On one hand, Rogue Beings operate quite differently to Keepers, in the fact that Keepers wield the innate power to control a Dungeon and create minions while Rogue Beings have no such power. On the other hand, there's no specific rule against it. It would just be very difficult to bring about the required shift.Additionally, in my opinion, Emily as a Rogue Being would be stretched to have the power to create a small sun, teleport, summon and command an entire storm, open up a massive pit in the earth make enough explosive force to blast apart solid stone all in one battle. She's only a Rogue Being. Such feats would be draining even on a Keeper, even if they had the physical strength of a water balloon. By throwing around that much energy, Emily's bound to be feeling very drained. [/quote] That's fair. Also, the teleporting did throw her off balance, the summoning of the storm was natural, not magical - the heat that created the Storm Clouds was, but the summoning of the actual storm wasn't - It wasn't half as powerful as a normal storm, which can clock from a dozen impacts, to up to fifty, while the Encouraged Storm could only make one. The 'massive pit' wasn't a massive pit, it was a mountain moving to encompass something - in this case Ifrit - The mountian itself wasn't made into a 'massive pit' but rather it's structure bent around Ifrit before drawing him in.The explosive force was via Runecrafting. Very efficient for it's power, but the pay off is the fact they need to be individually drawn. Emily could only summon so much power because she had the ability to draw multiple runes simultaneously, and Ifrit was a considerable distance away when she started, as well as on a different elevation. Had it been on the ground, she wouldn't have finished the small runes before the creature reached her. And a mountain isn't solid stone, like a slab of marble. It has cracks, crevices and small caves with in it. However, I do agree she has expended most of her magical energy blowing the holy crap out of Ifrit, and won't be able to do much more than stand. I the flow led me to her being more exhausted than I previously thought, but it still came out well, or so I thought.