Emily saw Ifrit fly from the rock face, and land hard, with his hide pelted with shards of rock. But, it stood. After all that, the creature stood. Emily was glad she had created the storm as a back up plan, but as it lurched towards her, it's body was covered in some oily substance, and Emily only knew it was Ifrit because he was the only massive monstrosity on the battlefield. The blooded beast tried to appear intimidating, but the shuddering of it's legs relatively ruined the effect. The shaking earth was a nice effect, and let Emily believe that her legs where feeling like jelly because of it. 'To much.....' she thought, having expended way to much of her power in a single battle. She doubted Empyrean would come without killing her now. Ifrit came close, growing and snarling and doing everything a ugly bugger like him should do, before the bolt of lightning arced from the ground, and smashed into Ifrit, taking the thing down for the count and permeating the air with the smell of charred flesh, blood and a nasty smoke. It was this influx of smells that tipped the bucket her teleportation had started, and Emily threw up her stomach on the ground, bile for she needed no food, and a small part of a congealed red substance that might have once called itself blood, further proof she was at the edge of her limit. However, it was nothing anyone would really care about, except her. It was nice, in a way. She was still biologically human, unlike this hulking mess before her, but she always wasn't human. Far from human. While staring at the creature, desire to finish it mixed with a lack of strength to do so, something else came into the sickening cauldron of senses. The very air above her seemed to, tremble. and a reek Emily could not place, except at the top of her list of 'worst smells ever' And then, she felt it. Eyes, so commanding even an exhausted, insane construct like herself could feel. It was said that Aeromancers could feel people's movement though the air, but Emily did not need any magic to know there was something behind her. It felt like he conflicted with the very ground it existed near. She turned, and found a rather modest thing, if she saw them in a field together, she would assume Ifrit was the Leader, and this man, cloaked in shadow as he was, mearly Ifrit's servant. But, with a raising of his hand, Ifrit vanished, and he remained. While not having much to him - and that god-aweful stench putting what little concentration Emily had left to the sword - he seemed inquisitive, so Emily mustered every inch of self she had, and cocked her head. "You'll be the master then? The one who's power I can't comprehend. Impressive business with my light show" She said, swaying softly on the spot, and trying her best not to make her voice shake or stutter.