The celebration had passed in a blur of laughter, banter and no small amount of alcohol. Kayal spent most of the night in the heart of the celebration socializing with anyone who would lend an ear and downing as many brandies as he could. By the time dawn broke Kayal awoke with a splitting headache and the nausea to support it. The beginning of the day was mostly filled with attempting to find a way to alleviate the hangover and finding work to do. He spent most of his time in the infirmary using his restoration skill to heal any of those that needed it until his stores of magicka were all but drained. After which he assisted the sailors in anyway he could, his years of experience in sailing shown true as he climbed about the mast and moved about the deck. When possible he did what he could to teach both Zana and Nalla the know-how to work such a vessel. Their learning was slow, but given they had little knowledge to begin with Kayal was essentially starting from scratch. Eventually he stopped assisting the sailors and began moving about the vessel explaining as best he could exactly what it was each sailor was doing. It wasn't the most fun activity but it was time consuming and it helped both Zana and Nalla expand their knowledge of sailing. With the newly appointed officers bring more order to the crew, their ship finally started feeling like an actual functioning vessel as apposed to the messy rabble it had been. People began to spread out and work in certain areas as apposed to lounging around or finding something to do. All the while Sharee went about drinking, yelling, joking, shouting, laughing and otherwise being her usual self as she wrestled the crew into shape. The other officers worked to get their own departments in order. Over the course of the next few days changes were made across the ship, proper chefs were assembled and the food began to resemble food as Cynric whipped his chefs into shape, sometimes whipping seeming more literal then figurative. The infirmary began to be populated by permanent staff, something the wounded seemed to be quite thankful for as their moans and groans began to subside he supposed due to the work and charm of Noelle. The crew began receiving weapons and armor thanks to the work of Malakaus, it wasn't the best gear, but with what materials Malakaus had available, Kayal was certainly impressed. The ship also began receiving repairs, no doubt thanks to the efforts of Sarel, the damage done to the ship in the fight to take it slowly began to disappear little by little it was beginning to resemble its former self. Serge, the newly appointed Quartermaster and supposed ladies-man as rumors said, was helping Sharee in bringing order to the vessel. Finally, after several days of sailing Khenarthi’s Roost lay before them. Being in dominion controlled waters and far from High Rock Kayal had very rarely visited the island let alone could he remember much more then it having a small city primarily populated by Khajiits. It didn't have much, but it had enough to keep a ship full of pirates or sailors entertained for a few days. How long Sharee intended to stay here was beyond Kayal, he hadn't spoke to her since they took the vessel. He had been doing a good job of keeping himself busy helping in anyway he could around the vessel, primarily helping train their fighters to sail and helping some sailors learn how to fight as well as looking over the few maps he had for areas they may want to pay a visit to and where they could best sell their "goods". As the vessel neared port Kayal stood upon the bow of the vessel looking off at the quickly nearing island, he heard the familiar voices of Sarel and Serge as they shouted their order to the crew as they brought the ship into port. Kayal's eyes danced over the forms of the multiple already docked vessels, most of them seemed to be merchant ships or simple fishing vessels though there did seem to be a Aldmeri warship docked to the far side of the port showing that the military did in fact have a presence here, no matter how small. Kayal smiled as he admired the vessel, it seemed to be about the same size as their own, but it's design was distinctly Aldmeri. The night before he had ran into Sharee when she was enjoying what he could only imagine was one of many bottles of brandy considering the state she was in. She had said something about needing to speak to him in the morning, but before he could ask as to what it was she needed she got distracted and made several sexual comments before taking her leave heading to what he could only assume was her quarters. The encounter, being their first conversation over the course of the days since the taking of the ship, was not quite what he had expected. But with what he knew of Sharee he knew he should begin to expect the unexpected, especially when she was drunk. So now he waited here on the deck until Sharee made her appearance. Considering the state he had seen her in last night she likely wasn't waking up in the best of conditions so he thought it best to give her some time for the hangover to settle or pass until he approached her on what it was she needed. He knew Sharee likely wouldn't give a skeever's ass if he bothered her when she was hangover, but he had some ulterior motives to not approaching her in her room. In honesty he had guessed they would be nearing port this time and he wanted to take some time to enjoy the view and to scope out the city. But now as the vessel finally docked and Sarel and Serge strode off to meet the Thalmor docking authorities the time to enjoy the view had passed and it was time to head back to work, starting with meeting Sharee. Turning away from the city before him he scanned over the people before him looking for one face in particular, as his search turned up empty handed a frown came to his face. [i]Where is that ornery Argonian?[/I] He thought to himself. Perhaps it was time for him to start seeking her out, if he waited much longer she would likely get busy dealing with other issues aboard the vessel. Kayal let out an exaggerated sigh, "Oh well, it's not as if courtesy is a major requirement for pirates." He joked to himself before stepping away from the bow and making his way to the stairs. He passed by the ramp that led down to the dock where Serge, Sarel and as it seemed Malakaus went to meet the Docking Authority, just in time for Serge to come jogging back up it, he was certainly moving with something of a purpose so Kayal could only imagine it involved either a pretty girl or something with the captain. As the Breton jogged past Kayal couldn't help but drift into his own thoughts as he walked in his wake. From what he had heard of the pair Sarel and Serge he was not yet sure he liked or disliked them, he had heard both good and bad things about the two of them, though could form no real opinion himself as he hadn't had the pleasure or displeasure of talking to either of them. Though in honesty it was the same for most of the officers aboard the vessel, he had barely spoken to any of them. The only ones that really stood out were, Noelle, Cynric, Sarel, Serge and Malakaus they had done some good for the vessel so far and deserved some kind of respect for it. From what he had heard Noelle had quite a way with words and could talk her way out of and possibly into a few sticky situations. Word from the kitchen said that Cynric ran a very tight ship, word had it he had a temper when it came to disrespect either to him or to his kitchen but other wise he was a rather eccentric man. Malakaus was said to be a rather heavy handed individual, he had a way of intimidating those under him to their very bones and for good reason, apparently if you could see what he could do with a hammer you would understand why a fist was just as bad. What Kayal had heard of Sarel wasn't much to go off of, he was a respectable and serious man, but he had an air about him that most Dunmer had. Serge had managed to worked up a reputation, he was certainly an ex imperial legionary when the time called for it, but other times he seemed to be more fixated upon the nearest woman then anything else. All in all from what he had heard about these officers he was not sure what to think of any of them, at least, not until he had the chance to formerly meet each of them. By the time Kayal had drifted back into reality he had arrived at Sharee's room, as he neared the door he lifted his hand and reached for the handle before he noticed the voices coming from within. They seemed to be discussing something so kayal let his hand drop down to his side, [I]I will let them finish their business before disturbing.[/I] He thought to himself as he silently stepped back and made his way back a little ways from Sharee's door. He took a place leaning on a nearby wall as he waited for their discussion to be over. Kayal's gaze dropped down to his gear as he tried to find something to distract himself with. He was wearing his usual attire including his chain shirt and coat. On his left hip was his steel longsword, on his right was his steel dagger he had elected to keep his bow and quiver back in his quarters due to the fact he did not require it, though still he looked as though he was well and prepared. His gaze lifted up just as he heard Sharee's door open as Serge stepped out, Kayal's eyes followed after the Breton as he passed by, [I]Seems he still has somewhere to be[/I] Kayal thought to himself. It seemed though that Serge had left Sharee's door wide open. Kayal could not clearly hear the voices of both Sharee and Noelle. He listened as Noelle spoke, "Thank you, captain. I know that appearances isn't really important for the day-to-day business on the ship, but... It's always nice to look your best. Was there... Anything else you wanted?" She asked. Kayal raised an eyebrow and turned his head slightly so his ear was in the direction of Sharee's door as his curiosity was peaked slightly. He listened a little more intently for Sharee's response after some moving around and what sounded like searching for something Kayal heard Sharee speak up, "Yes, actually. I'm looking to figure out why I have the sudden and strong urge to take you to my bed." Sharee replied. At this Kayal's eyes opened wide in surprise and he raised his hand to his mouth as he held back his urge to laugh. Kayal glanced over to the door surprised, he wasn't expecting to have heard something like that but in honesty he wasn't too surprised, it was Sharee after all. Yet still that did little to dampen the humor it provided. Still Kayal listened, soon enough Noelle spoke with her response, "You flatter me Captain, if that's your intent. And I cannot say that I would not enjoy that... But maybe another time, when neither of us have our duties to attend to." She said seeming to be trying to dissuade Sharee Kayal smirked slightly before Noelle spoke up again, she pinned the source of Sharee's want on the brandy and offered to pick up something from town to ease the effects of the brandy. Though it was a kind offer it was also obviously a way to warm up to the captain. Though when Sharee spoke up again she showed she was clearly not interested, "Oh, I can say that my intent is not just flattery." She said as straightforward as possible. Kayal once more held back the urge to laugh. Sharee's voice soon picked up again, "For something like duties can wait." She said before someone began walking, their footsteps quickly got closer and Kayal's humor quickly faded. He silently changed his position quickly and silently slipping into the hallway he had come from so he would avoid being seen by Sharee as she reached the door. As the footsteps stopped she spoke up again, "You know, I can't quite tell you why I feel that way about you, it's just..." She said happily before suddenly and abruptly the door was slammed shut. It took Kayal all he had to keep from jumping. His heartbeat quickened and he stepped out from the hallway he had hidden in looking as though he had just arrived. He half expected to see Sharee standing in front of the door but found the room was empty and soon realized the voices from the other side of the door. kayal let out a sight of relief. As he did he noticed something odd, though the voices were muffled he could make out a distinct change in tone from what he recognized as Sharee's voice. Kayal eyed the door with complete and utter surprise. "What in oblivion?" He said under his breath as he continued to watch the door. Soon Kayal calmed and he retook his place leaning on a nearby wall this time a little further away from the door. He could not lie he was extremely curious what was going on in that room right now but he choose not to push his luck any further. Instead he lifted his hand before him and summoned forth a fireball that he kept floating just above his hand, slowly he began passing the orb back and forth between his hands as he tried his best to distract himself.