[img]http://i.imgur.com/J8VStXo.png[/img] That...horse was a freaking mastermind. At this point, Lucien wasn't even upset, just really amazed. Sebastian had gotten the best of him twice in a row now, and he swore he'd have the last laugh, even if it was the last thing he did! The summoner began wading towards the edge of the pool only to have Sebastian blow out a puff of air and reveal rows of pearly white teeth. "Yikes!" The summoner lurched back and brought two hands over his head. Maybe, he'd allow Sebastian to win. He had already lost his pride when the horse grabbed him by his boxers, losing a finger or toe was out of the question. "Y'know, maybe we should just call it a truce, yeah?" He arched an eyebrow, but the serious expression didn't last and soon another person came crashing into the pool. He found out it was Syed and began laughing at his friend. The electricity mage's expression was pretty priceless. "Now, now, wasn't that a shocking experience. Water you waiting for pal. Now that we're here, we might as well swim!" He was just about to pat his friend on the back, but then he remembered something. [i]ELECTRICITY MAGE[/i]. Lucien began flailing as he attempted to hightail it out of the pool. "Syed, Syed, just relax, okay? Don't give me a shocking experience! I know you're an electrifying person, but I've got a life to live, ladies to meet, and more adventures to go on." He laughed a little before making as much room as he could between himself and his friend.