Ryan had gotten up, agreeing to let Zayne rest a little while before getting the drinks like they had agreed on. As he was leaving though, he heard the strain of a bed as it slightly moved in an attempt to hold the wait above. He turned towards the sound, knowing it was probably Cassius, seeing as he was the only one to have changed his density other than him and X that he could think of at the time. He saw that he looked stressed and glanced to Zayne. [i]If he wakes up disoriented, he might attack her...[/i] He closed his eyes, sighing to himself before turning himself black as shadow and almost melting to the floor. He then, in shadow-like form, waited underneath a nearby bed. When Cassius got up, Ryan left his hiding place, but Cassius didn't seem to notice him. As Cassius seemed to go straight to the barracks, Ryan followed. Cassius seemed off... Something might be wrong, so, for his teammate, he'd try to help. As Cassius knocked on a door, Ryan assumed no one was in there, considering how many people had left the ship or were still healing. "Cassius, is something wrong? Your bed in the medical bay didn't seem... Uniform..." He asked this, having returned to his usual form and walking towards Cassius. "If you need any help at all, any one of us on the team is willing to help."