[center][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/gq61IN0.jpg[/IMG][/center] [b]On the trek back...[/b] Her whole body quivered and ached, her eyes could barely manage to stay open, and her legs were threatening to collapse with every step. She felt light headed and nauseous. The crumbling walls of the kingdom in the distance; it gave her [i]hope[/i]. What is hope? The girl merely snorted at the word. ~~~~~ [b]Infirmary...[/b] [youtube]gl7O8_kWeOc[/youtube] [i]The boat tilted viciously and the little girl fell. Four bleeding holes through the chest matched with four black claws as long as swords. Multiple branches in one piece of flesh... so much for a kebab. Aimless anger and tears; he turned into a rock.[/i] [hider=...make it stop][img]http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mdfxguHQFT1riae2mo1_500.gif[/img][/hider] ~~~~~ Jasper stared at her reflection in the mirror while she combed through her hair which had now grown to the base of her back. She never let it lengthen that long before. It was a pleasant change. Even though she would binge on sweets and desserts during parties in the castle, every time they went on a quest, she would shed the excess fat storage and lose even more than she had consumed. The albino was already as skinny as a stick, but she almost appeared emaciated right now. Placing the comb down gently on the dresser, she swiped at her [url=http://i.picresize.com/images/2014/08/10/KnfL6.jpg]dress[/url] and studied her arms and legs. They were heavily bruised, but make up had been applied over top of them to lessen the pigmentation. She made a face at her bony shoulders and stick-like legs. [i]'I still hate dresses.'[/i] Attending the celebration was something she dreaded so she took her time in preparing to leave her room. [b][i]Knock! Knock![/b][/i] [b]"Miss, you must come out now! The party has already star-"[/b] Opening the door just a crack, Jasper eyed the mouse and nodded. The maid frowned slightly before walking away briskly whilst dusting off her apron. Once she was sure the handmaiden had left, she made her way back to the bed and fell forward like a ton of bricks. Rolling over, she looked up at the ceiling, red irises trailing each and every detail. [i]'Why celebrate when we're all going to die?'[/i] She blinked. ~~~~~ Strolling into the festivity hall, Jasper arrived just in time for Queen Delirium's speech. [b]"Thank you very much for attending this grand celebration. Never before in Nowhere's history have the humans come so close to completing the living list. As of now, they only lack two more items, then those dearies can finally go home, and when they do, all of Nowhere will celebrate!"[/b] Puffing more air out out of her nostrils than usual, she ducked to avoid a jellyfish tentacle. The room was magnificent indeed, but Jasper was in no mood to appreciate it. [b]"Hip hip hooray! Hip hip hooray!"[/b] [i]'Mindless Nobodies. You don't even know what you're cheering for. More death? More bloodshed? Heh.'[/i] Wandering and pushing through the sea of beings, she struggled to search for a familiar face. Her gaze was scanning among so many different faces at once that she was starting to feel dizzy. A few minutes had passed and she still felt lost. Her stomach grumbled. Approaching the nearest buffet table she could find, she nabbed a plate and began stacking on the sugary confections. Cakes, brownies, cookies, cupcakes, and candy galore. Her dish was filled in no time. As she neared the end of the smorgasbord, right at the very end of the lay out was a minuscule selection of healthy fruits. She snickered as she plopped a couple [url=http://duhlicious.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/3.jpg]macarons[/url] onto her plate. [i]'Who would want that when there's-'[/i] As she glanced back up towards the borderline of the dinner table, she squinted her eyes at a guy wearing a ridiculous yellow suit who held a dish filled with nothing but fruits and also stuffing himself with grapes. Finally casting a look onto the man's face, she almost spilled the contents of her own plate to find that the fellow was actually Inadi. [i]'His outfit though.'[/i][hider=She stared at him while nibbling on a donut to see if he would even notice.][img]http://31.media.tumblr.com/7133c171992ce57ad55c06174d1e204b/tumblr_n47kblex9Q1r3z3s3o1_500.gif[/img][/hider] This continued for a good minute or so until she had completely devoured her treat. Walking towards him she said, "Wow, you must really like grapes." She bit off the ear of the pink bunny macaron. "The Nobody who dressed you should get fired," Jasper stated bluntly as she munched away on the strawberry tasting tart while scrutinizing the blinding banana get up.