[img]http://i1111.photobucket.com/albums/h461/kathichan1/ariacastshot.png[/img] [u][b]Aliquam: Cervantés Mansion[/b][/u] The illusionist gaped at the sheer amount of clothing and accessories that Rose possessed. It wouldn't be a stretch to say that her closets were about the size of one, maybe two of her room back at home... Gods, she was jealous. She all but dragged Xan and Estelle over, eyes sparkling at the thought of rifling through all these clothes. What she wouldn't give for a wardrobe even a third of this size? Still, they were here for Xan and she would focus on finding the perfect dress for knocking Angel off his feet so hard he wouldn't even know what hit him. She was having a bit of trouble finding one in the metallurgist's size even with all these clothes, mainly due to a rather noticeable bagginess that would no doubt appear in the chest area. Aria gave a sorrowful sigh. Ah, the woes of the flat. Finally she found a selection of dresses in the back that probably belonged to Rose when she was younger and less developed, picking one out for Xan and nudging another at Estelle with a playful wink. So many potential dates- speaking of which, where had Lulu gone? She huffed. The man had probably fled the room for some silly reason. Shaking her head, she helped pick out a pair of shoes and accessories to match the dress and after Xan had changed she stepped back with a proud grin. Yep, this would do just fine. "Angel's gonna be astounded," she gave the girl a slap on the back, stepping aside so Rose could see the ensemble as well. She was so going to spy on their date today- partly to make sure everything ran smoothly and partly because it was going to so darn cute. If she wasn't so happy she would be feeling rather worried about feeling like a proud mother seeing her child off for the first time.