[img=http://i.imgur.com/cfQzJva.png] [b][u]Aliquam: La Mansion de Cervantés[/u][/b] Angel lingered behind by the kitchen as Lucien, Moira, and Syed all took off for the pool. He propped an elbow atop the table and leaned his chin into his palm, smiling at them from afar. It was a shame they would be taking off so soon. Compared to the snobs and spoileds the Academy offered, they were just so... different. Down to earth, even. A nice change of pace for once. He could almost consider taking up Moira's offer if it meant being surrounded by these kinds of people. It wasn't long before Xandra and her escorts made their way downstairs to meet with Angel. Once he heard the clicking of one of their heels, he casually glanced over his shoulder to see who had arrived - before jumping out of his chair, his smiling mouth dropping wide open. "Que maravilla, you look fantastic, Xandra!" He stuttered some, completely awestricken by just how beautiful the metallurgist looked in her dress. More than that, he was astounded by her sheer natural beauty as well. Compared to the likes of - ugh - Hannah, and all the other scholarly damsels who paint their faces with markers every day, he could almost say he was falling in love with this chick just from her looks alone. [i]Damn,[/i] he had scored. "Ohh Aislin," Angel continued muttering in some foreign language as he blurred passed the trio towards the door. Quickly he changed his tie with one of those hanging in the nearby shoe closets - never know when you have to change last minute like this on dates! And now the two matched colors. <3 "Come on Xandra," he motioned for her to follow as he propped the door open. "I'll take you to the finest restaurant Aliquam has to offer." Meanwhile by the back porch... [img=http://i.imgur.com/dO6vRyy.png] Trixie had no idea what on Ddaear Lucien was so freaked out about. But whatever it was, it looked serious! Maybe Syed farted in the pool? Moira did mention something about farting. Uhh... Trixie quickly downed the rest of her soggy toast and leaned forward, reaching for the summoner who waded his way towards her away from Syed. "Lucy! Lucy! Over here! I can help you out! I can--whoa!" And then she fell right in and began sputtering and splashing about. Between breaths she yodeled for the others to save her from dying a horrible and soggy death.