Sarel laughed at Malakaus’ comments, shook his head in response, “I shall endeavor to stay awake for the remainder of the day.” Soon enough Sarel and Serge were walking down the narrow brick streets, pass thin brownstones, and apothecaries, and clothing shops. Serge tapped his friends shoulder as he motioned to a jewelers open door. Serge gawked at some of the finer pieces tucked into silk under the glass cases, whistling when he noticed the prices. A flamboyant Khajiit came from a backroom, dressed in fine, colorful linens. He tossed his silk scarf over his shoulder as he approached the counter. “How may this one help you?” He asked mysteriously. Serge looked toward the glass cases behind the Khajiit on the walls and eyed each item patiently. “I was looking for earrings. Something flashy.” The Khajiit looked over to Sarel who was busy filling his pipe, noticed his own earrings. “Like your friend’s?” he asked. “Not so much—“ Serge began. “I doubt it. These are Gilded Ka Po Ivory, made in Akaviir.” Sarel interrupted without even looking up. “Yes, I see,” said the Khajiit, “quite extraordinary. Would you be interested in parting with them?” “Not on my life.” Sarel said with a smile, completing the filling of his pipe. “What were you looking for?” The Khajiit asked Serge. “Not gold. Small, but attractive.” Serge was a little listless. “I have just the thing.” The Khajiit walked back into the back room. Serge came to join Sarel who had just lit his pipe. “I saw this girl, near the harbor. I want to go see what she looks like up close, but I think I already know that she’s beautiful.” Serge was lit up with that boyish passion Sarel had come to know him for. “Are the pickings on the ship not good enough for you?” Sarel asked. “The pickings on this island aren’t good enough for me. She could be special though.” Serge and Sarel were side to side, staring at the wall of jewels in front of them. The Khajiit shopkeeper came back into the room, he snapped at Sarel immediately. “You can’t smoke in here” he hissed. Sarel left with his hands up in surrender. Serge came back out with a little jewelry box in his hand, open. Two swirling circles of ebony sat in the beige fabric. After they spoke of the purchase they moved on to a nearby armorsmith. Sarel found a handsome suit of leather armor with scale accents. It cost him 1,200 septims and a welkyd stone, but he got it. He wrapped it up and stuffed it in his rucksack. The couple then walked down the road a bit until they came to another injunction, one that Serge was sure would lead to wherever the Dunmer girl was. They came out from under a small walkway and began on a dirt path, somewhere just outside the city. They walked a little further until they were able to see the bluff, and the girl. “She [i]is[/i] quite pretty,” Sarel conceded. He hadn’t seen another Dunmer woman like this for a very long time. She reminded him of Indaris, the only woman he could say full well that he loved. He felt the sting of old wounds near his stomach, and in his heart. The two approached rather cooly, clanking a little as they did. “Blessings of the nine,” Serge called ahead of himself. “quite a lovely spot you have here.” Serge approached, stood right at the edge of her blanket. Sarel stood behind a little, smoking and taking in the sight of the harbor. “I am Serge, and this is Sarel. We were just talking about stopping for lunch. Weren’t we, Sarel?” Serge looked back to his Dunmer friend who turned his attention to the two other people before him. “Yes, indeed. Just moments ago.” “I have some cheese and bread in my bag, and some whiskey as well. Would you mind if we joined you?” Serge let a little of that boyish grin escape as he settled himself at eye height with the beautiful Dunmer girl, squatting. Sarel stepped around so that he could better see Serge and the girl, he smiled as well, albeit with far less euphemism. Serge glanced at Sarel, his armor and sword making him look rather menacing. “Oh, and don’t mind my friend. Sarel is careful, but as gentle as a mother hen. Well,” Serge remarked with a bit of irony, pointing out his own arms, and that of the Dark Elf girl before him, “we’re all a little bit careful aren’t we?” And he began to laugh, bidding Sarel join him with a hidden gesture, who then began to laugh, if not a little conspicuously, as well.