[img]http://i.imgur.com/AIt9B3l.png[/img] [b][u]Aliquam: Cervantés Mansion[/u][/b] Dylan whistled with a bright and wide smile as he leaned out of his window and watched his friends walking out of the mansion, Xandra blushing in a beautiful dress picked out by Aria and Estelle, to grace Angel by the hands as he led them towards an awaiting carriage that would take them to what Angel assured his friend was the finest restaurant in the entire town. He couldn’t help but chuckle as he watched them, and from his vantage point he could also barely see over the fence that grew around the perimeter of the pool with which the others were being… particularly loud from. Trixie, Lucien and Syed yelling in the pool, Sebastian neighing with a laugh near to Moira (who promptly told the horse to shut up lest he be pushed into the pool next) and Simon lying fatigued against the fence with a bloody nose… …it was just another day in the lives of his most special of friends in the Pride. He leaned down and began rummaging through his belongings, picking out of his pack his sketchbook and pencils. As he leaned back against the window frame (something Dalia would kill him for were she to see), he began to start sketching them all. Later on, he promised himself to transform this into a painting… one of his largest, and most grandest. Before, he had made a painting for Estelle when she had briefly departed them. This time, his painting would include everyone. He laughed again as he saw Estelle and Aria sneaking out to grab another carriage to follow behind Xandra and Angel. The pair of them planned to follow this date with [i]much[/i] scrutiny… [img]http://i.imgur.com/8mPMSWF.png[/img] “I heard from Dalia what’s happening,” A voice called from behind Dylan, and he turned his head to see the pleasant wind mage approach, carrying two cups of coffee, one in each hand. He gently placed one for Dylan on his bedside cabinet, and then sipped his own. “You’re taking a break, Dylan?” “…Dalia’s already going around telling people? Oh Aislin…” Dylan muttered beneath a facepalm. “Yes… if that’s okay with everyone, I think I’ll take a short break. But I’ll catch you all up before you know it!” “I don’t doubt it,” Marcus laughed. “We’ll miss you Dylan, but like you said, it’ll only be for a short while. A break would be nice, I think.” “Marcus… thank you.” “Hmm?” “For everything you and the others have done for me. For welcoming me to the Guild, for letting me join your group and make such wonderful friends… and for putting your lives on the line to help protect my home. And even what you said back then in the Theatre… thank you all so much.” A small tear began to form in Dylan’s eyes. “I… I don’t know how to thank you all…” Marcus laughed again. “You don’t need to thank us, Dylan. You’ve helped us out more times then we can say too. Without you, we wouldn’t still be here, I’m sure.” Marcus sat down on the bed, and sipped his cup again, before glancing towards Dylan’s sketch. “Your art never ceases to be amazing, Dylan.” “And it’ll only get better,” Dylan replied with a determined nod. [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/xwfnlHT.png[/img][/center]