[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/ZI6MyrB.png[/img][/center] [center][u][b]Written by Dannyel[/b][/u][/center] [img]http://i.imgur.com/AIt9B3l.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/8I5EqBQ.png[/img] [b]Weeks after the Masked Phantom Caper Aliquam:[/b] “Dylan, are you sure about this?” Dalia asked, standing in the doorway as if to block him. Not that she could really stop him if he wanted to get past, but it was the symbol that mattered. He turned, finally finished with his primping, giving his sister a small smile. “Yeah, Dalia, I need this. And I think he does too.” Crossing the room, he gave her a gentle kiss on the forehead. “It’ll be fine. What’s the worst that could happen?” “You could tear his throat out,” she replied, a frown on her face. Dylan flushed. That damned wine. “I admit I wasn’t at my best, but that’s why I need to talk to him.” “He could break your heart again.” “Come on, Dalia,” he said with a lopsided grin. “I’m tougher than that now.” He nudged her out of the way. “Besides, it’s time you got to the Academy. I’ll find you afterwards.” “Alright. Be careful.” “I will.” He eased past her, heading out of the house. “And stop worrying!” He twirled around, enjoying the feeling of the sun on his skin. It was good to be out of the house at last. Sure he had plenty of visitors during his convalescence, but it was not the same. And the one person he needed to talk to, even if he wasn’t entirely sure he wanted to talk to him, had been the only one to not drop by. Well, it was time to take matters into his own hands. It was a nice day for a walk, and it would give him time to prepare. He wished he could take his actions back, that he had the strength to not be so terrible to Tobias and everyone around him. Whatever had happened between them, whatever terrible things Tobias had done to him, it did not excuse Dylan’s actions. By the time he arrived at Tobias’ Manor - a place he knew nearly as well as the Academy or even his own home - he felt ready. At peace. And a little bit eager. He pressed the doorbell, waiting patiently for the door to opened. “Mister Sanders?” One of the servants was staring at him in shock, clearly surprised to find him standing there. “I - we - didn’t expect you.” “Allie, isn’t it?” Dylan smiled at her as she nodded. “Is Tobias in?” She hesitated for a moment, gnawing her lip. “Please Allie, I want to speak with him.” “I can announce you,” she said at last. “But I cannot guarantee that he’ll meet with you.” “I understand.” Dylan shrugged. “It’s all that I can ask.” Allie stood aside, letting him enter the foyer as she ran off to find her master. Dylan got comfortable, inspecting the new art pieces that Tobias had acquired since he had left. He hadn’t taken time to really appreciate them on the night of the party, too caught up in a spiral of spite and hate to bother. It was a shame, because if not else Tobias’ taste remained as impeccable as ever. If only he didn’t try to acquire lovers like his art pieces, bought and paid then left on display as a sign of prestige. [img]http://i.imgur.com/WDVJyuu.png[/img] “Dylan?” Tobias stood at the top of the staircase, looking as impeccable as ever. Every little thing about him was perfectly styled, from his clothes to his hair to even the measured expression on his face. “I...did not expect this.” He walked down the staircase, each step precise and controlled, his body wound tight as a wire and just about ready to snap. “Is there something I can do for you?” “Yeah,” Dylan said. “You can talk with me.” Tobias’ eyes widened, a momentary weakness, and Dylan pressed forward before the opportunity was lost. “If you have the time.” A moment passed, a long moment that felt like an eternity as Dylan waited on bated breath. Then, at last, his former lover spoke. “Alright. The gardens?” Dylan swallowed hard, remembering all the times they spent out in the gardens. He had painted there, Tobias lounging with book and wine it hand. Fragments of memories flashed through his mind, remnants of a happier time. “That sounds nice.” Tobias noded, turning sharply on his heel, and Dylan hurried to follow. Falling into place beside him, Dylan tried to ignore the gulf that separated them. It was was only a foot of space, but the moved in tandem, avoiding each other with a grace that almost seemed practiced. Dylan shoved his hands in his pockets, shoulders slumping forward. What had he been thinking, coming here like this out of the blue? Tobias through the door open, walking out onto the balcony that overlooked the gardens. Leaning against the railing, he took a deep steadying breath. “I see you’re feeling better.” “Yeah, just needed some bed rest.” Dylan stood next to him, staring out over the garden. The roses were already in bloom, a lush and beautiful backdrop to the manor. He had always loved the roses here. “I wanted to apologize.” Tobias glanced over at him sharply. “You wanted to apologize to me?” “Just for my behaviour at your party,” Dylan said quickly. “It was...poor of me. I should not have -” “Drank so much?” Tobias interrupted, the barest hint of a smile on his face. There he went, laying on the charm, as easily and unconsciously as breathing. “To start with.” Dylan stared down at his hands, it was easier than meeting Tobias’ gaze. “And how I acted towards you during the mission at the Academy. You were just trying to help, in your own way.” “You don’t have to apologize.” Sliding over to where Dylan stood, Tobias wrapped his hand around Dylan’s and squeezed tightly. For a moment it felt right, natural, a bit like home, if Dylan would admit it to himself, but then Tobias moved away. “I know it’s too late for us,” Tobias said, quietly, more sincere than Dylan had expected from him, “but for what it’s worth, I’m sorry. You deserved better.” “Better than you?” Dylan said with a hint of smile. “I thought such a thing did not exist.” Tobias laughed. “An overall better man? Not a chance. But a better boyfriend? Yeah, there’s bound to be one out there for you.” He smiled - a small, open thing that Dylan had only seen a few times, and only when alone. “And I hope you find him.” Acting on impulse, Dylan seized Tobias by his perfectly pressed shirt and dragged him forward. “For old times’ sake,” he said softly, placing a gentle kiss on Tobias’ lips. It was a short, sweet thing, full of forgiveness and regret. “For what could have been,” Tobias muttered, stealing one last kiss himself. “Now get out of here before I go terribly roguish and seduce you.” Dylan chuckled. “Probably for the best then. You do horrors for my self control.” . He was almost to the balcony door when Tobias spoke. “Next time you’re in Aliquam?” “We’ll see, Tobias.” It was the best he could do. The wiser part of him told him that he should shut the door completely, prevent Tobias from ever sinking his claws into him again. But he was a romantic, and part of him hoped that one day Tobias would change. Perhaps in a year, two years, ten years, Tobias would be ready for him. But for now, he was a dog. And there was nothing Dylan could do but accept it. And if not...well, it wasn’t like he had made any promises. [b][u]One Week Later[/u][/b] “Dylan, there’s a package for you!” “Really?” Dylan hurried over to his sister. Had the Pride sent him something already? He was itching to catch up to them, even if his magic was still spotty and limited since he lost his focus. “Who’s it from?” “See for yourself,” Dalia said, a coy smile on her face. She passed him the package, wrapped tightly in the finest wrapping paper. It was heavy in his hands, and Dylan quickly ripped it open. Inside was another slate, just like the one that had been destroyed. He could feel the magic stir within him, instantly responding to the power of the focus. “Oh, Aislin.” These things were incredibly rare - nearly impossible to find. And even then, the gald for purchasing it would have been mindboggling. “How?” “Look, there’s a note.” He glanced down, only now realizing that a slip of paper had fallen onto the table. Dylan picked it up, a smile creeping on his face as he recognized the handwriting. Keep safe, darling. I fully expect you to keep your promise and return one day. [i]Your patron, Tobias [/i] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/ZWriG5v.png[/img][/center] [hr][/hr] [b][center]Collab between Pach and Rex[/center][/b] [i]“Man this place is giving me the willies,” “C’mon Tiberius… it’s not that bad. Bwahaha! I thought you were a man! You can’t be afraid of some oversized bugs!!” “Shut it, Largo, it’s not funny!!”[/i] [img]http://i.imgur.com/XpBMP2z.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/EN5cQdu.png[/img] [b]The Forest of Atareb 24 years ago Largo Mann: F Rank Guilder: Age 24[/b] Tiberius jumped back out of fright once again as a small insect shot out from the shrubs to his side. A loud, wailing pitch escaped his lips, and his hands shot about in front of him, waving from side to side in an effort to shoo the bug away. The moth casually avoided all of the Fire Swordsman’s struggles, and eventually plopped itself on the Guilder’s head. “Yahhh!” Tiberius screamed. He curled his hands into a fist and swung towards the moth, missing as it took flight a second beforehand and inadvertently slugging himself in the face instead. “This imbecile, I swear…” Matthew snarled from behind, as he and the rest of their group continued to walk forwards through the Forest of Atareb – Largo and Rachael took the lead, with Matthew and Tiberius following in the center. Behind them was their emerald tressed cleric Jade, and finally behind them all, the group’s leader and experienced mentor Damas. As he walked, his arms folded across his chest, the bearded man with the great axe strapped to his back shared the rest of his team’s reactions in shaking his head at Tiberius’ distress. “Tiberius, if insects bother you so much, why did you come with us? You could have stayed behind at the Guild,” The flame haired swordswoman Rachael sighed, before she turned her focus back on the path ahead. “B-b-bothered? Who said anything about bothered!” Tiberius’ hands soothed his aching red face. A quick glance to Jade saw a nonplussed expression returned his way and a shrugging of the shoulders. She didn’t mind healing her companions injuries in any way, but she drew the line at the point where they were self inflicted. “Besides… a mission’s a mission. When someone’s causing trouble by controlling lots of giant bugs, well… we need to stop them, right?” “Yahaha! And how are you going to fight those monsters when you can’t even look at them?” “I said shut up, Largo!” “Wait,” Rachael suddenly stopped, her hand grasping the hilt of her sword. As soon as the swordswoman stopped, Largo and the others followed suit, reaching for their own weapons. Only Damas remained with his arms folded. All of them looked ahead, to the top of one of the forest’s slopes, and at a figure looking back down at them, butterflies, moths and ladybugs all flying about her, and several ants, beetles and other insects all marching beneath her feet. Insects of a regular size, and none of the rumoured giant ones that were apart of their mission. Even still… could this beautiful lilac haired young woman… be the cause of all these problems…? “Hey, you, lady!” Tiberius shouted, raising his finger and pointing it directly at the young woman. “Who the hell are you?” "Oh?" The young woman turned around to face them. Her smile was... eerily bright. "Who am I? You got my name right the first time, actually! I should ask who you are, kiddo!" She turned her back to them again and carried on as she had been before - feeling around the trunk of a tree, looking it up and down and peering around it before pressing forward. [img]http://i.imgur.com/UUeOBFF.png[/img] She glanced over her shoulder, her smile unfading. "Could you maybe scream a little less, please? You're scaring my friends." "...friends?" One of Tiberius' brows arched up warily. "Yeah! Loads of them. We're working on this mission together. Please don't tell me you're here to get in my way... they wouldn't like that. Ah! There she is!" Just around the tree the purple-haired woman clung onto was a monstrous-sized herculean beetle, with snapping pinsirs large enough to sever any human dumb enough to get caught. She approached it anyway, her arms down low. "Easy girl, easy..."