[center][img= http://i.imgur.com/mCTQvTT.png] [img= http://i.imgur.com/SPVMvqy.png][/center] [b][u]Morris[/b][/u] Morris, a small and quiet agricultural village – the Pride’s next destination. Fortunately for the Pride, the trek from Aliquam to Morris was both short and linear, though that didn’t stop them from taking their time getting there. Similarly to Aliquam, the Pride was met with a stone-paved roads and walls. These walls were incredibly tall, but the openings between them were frequent enough to allow for ease of travel. The gardens and crops behind them were large and rich; though the town itself was small, it was a popular exportation spot when it came to its successful food production. Villagers were friendly, and the directions to the guild were simple enough. However, at some point one member slowed down as the others continued walking. When the smallest member of the crew finally realized a member had lagged behind, she whirled around – “Wait, wait guys!” – and ran back to her companion. “Ames! Yo! What’re you doin’, we’re almost at the guild, come onnnn.” [img=http://i.imgur.com/dO6vRyy.png] [img=http://i.imgur.com/t9SKBzc.png] Amy said nothing. Her eyes were locked on one of the many duplicate flyers plastered all over a section of the paved wall beside her. Trixie poked at her friend before leaning in to see exactly what she was looking at. “Is that… a tent? And… an elephant? That’s an elephant, right? Oh, oh, wait – is this a circus? Oh, I’ve heard about these…!” Again, Amy said nothing and continued moving on, dragging the pipsqueak along with her. She only released Trixie’s arm as she made her way to the front of the group, walking faster than the rest, ignoring Trixie’s (or anyone else’s) pleas to slow down. “Wow,” she muttered to the guilder nearest her, “she must reaaaaally not like circuses.” They continued further down the main walkway, their destination in sight. As they drew nearer, the number of flyers began to die down until they were completely gone – but Amy’s pace never slowed. Only when she reached the guild’s door did she finally stop. She took a deep breath, waiting for the others to catch up, before entering into the building. The door creaked open with a soft jingle. [center][img= http://i.imgur.com/THQr9ZR.png][/center] Compared to all the other guilds the Pride had crossed so far in their journey, Morris’ was rather homely. The number of tables displayed was negligible, and only a few guilders hung around to chat with one another. A mission board stood off to the side, just a bit of a walk away from the opening. Its front burst with color – photos – rather than papers and documents requesting for assistance. This caught Trixie’s attention, and she dashed over to the board to check it out. There were only a few photos there – maybe six or seven (she didn’t bother counting) – though the alarming thing the prankster overlooked was a gold-colored header above all the photos. “Missing.” Despite the Morris Guild’s small size, it still had a bar. The counter only supported four seats, all of which were vacant, but that was enough for the cleric to break away from the others. “Do what you guys need to do. I’m getting a drink.” And without waiting any further, she walked off. Situated at the far end of the room was a purple-haired woman, busily combing through and sorting stacks upon stacks of papers. She hadn’t even noticed any newcomers waltzing right into the guild. The ladybug perched on her arm did however, and it skittered up to her shoulder to get a better look at them. [img=http://i.imgur.com/mvaJgVm.png]