Kayal continued the practice of passing the ball of fire up between his hands until the door to Sharee's room opened. When it did he was quick to extinguish the flame with a quick close of his fist, cutting off the minor flow or magicka to the orb. He pushed himself off the wall as he watched Noelle and Sharee exit, "Morning Captain, officer Noelle." he said lowering his head respectfully. He saw Sharee glance toward him out of the corner of her eye but she made no attempt to acknowledge him until her door was properly shut and locked. Once it was she then acknowledged his presence, "Very much captain, muffled voices are my favorite kind of conversation. Though, I feel I should assure you, if I had heard anything it would be nothing of my business or anyone else's." He replied honestly, following behind her as she gestured for him to. "But on to the point, last night you requested that I meet with you in the morning, saying you needed to talk to me about something. I thought it might have been better to wait until you were up and about before approaching you given your state the night before. But with our arrival at Khenarthi’s Roost, it seemed the time for waiting had passed so now here I am." He explained. He couldn't help but feel a bit of tension in the air which made Kayal extremely curious but he was in no way going to ask, he was truthful to what he had said, it was nothing of his business if they wanted him or anyone else to know then he would know soon enough.