Thanks, guys! And yep, yep, good luck to everyone with school, work, and life. (^w^)/ Oooh, do I sense Jasadi bonding time? This gun beee good. I'll need to get my laptop's sound fixed in the afternoon, so I'll get started on a post tonight ^^! That'll also give Ryver and Thunder some extra time to get their posts up. Hey guys, I know you're new, but remember we're expecting one post per cycle :) and since you're both new we expect more activity so Toby and Ran can get the most out of this interaction period. Thunder, I understand you're busy, but this is kind of the second cycle you missed. *quotes the weebly* [quote=Weebly]"We also have something called the warning system. If you miss a cycle without telling us on the OOC, you will get a warning.[/quote] I don't mind missing cycles, but please, a heads up is needed (^w^)b that way we know what's up and I can NPC OCs along if needed. If you find yourself struggling to get a post up, remember, we only require three paragraphs ^^! Don't worry, this is just a friendly reminder that I've thrown at everyone at least once. *shot*