[img]http://i.imgur.com/J8VStXo.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/ZEQcnsM.png[/img] Moris was a lot more down to earth than Aliquam, and it had a relaxing feel to it. The small town and the gardens that surrounded it reminded Xan of her own village, it was a nice change of pace considering how Los Paraisos and Aliquam had been so fancy. [i]“she must reaaaaally not like circuses.”[/i] Lucien laughed before making a silly face. "Who can blame her? Y'know kid, clowns eat children, they especially enjoy little girls and boys." The summoner rubbed both his hands together like a comical villain and he would have laughed if not for Amy suddenly hightailing it. Eh, she sure was excited, yeah? He tilted his head a little then continued walking. Eventually, the pride reached the guild. Xan seemed to really like the place while Lucien thought it looked more like an inn than anything else. "This guild is a little small, yeah? I'll go see if I can get a soda." He peered at the counter then grinned from ear to ear at his friends. "Do any of you want anything. I can go get you some, yeah." He gave them two thumbs up and laughed. It was really interesting how different their next destination could be when compared to the last one. Traveling was definitely grand. The metallurgist turned to look at Lucien with a smile. "I think it feels pretty homely." The girl chuckled then shot Aria a grin. It reminded her about her first year as a guilder. Aria was assigned to show her the ropes, though to be honest her friend ended up shirking off duties and falling asleep on rooftops. Traveling with the pride was much more intense and the missions were more weighty. She made her way to where Trixie was and stared at the billboard. "Hmm, what are you looking at?" For a moment, Xan simply stared at the pictures, but after a bit of looking, she noticed the letters above them and arched an eyebrow. "Hey Leader, you might want to look at this."