[img]http://i.imgur.com/ylO8F8C.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/AXy5Xzf.png[/img] [b][u]Morris[/u][/b] Moira said nothing as they entered the village, viewing it with as much apathy as ever. Rural villages always made her a little uncomfortable, in contrast to her partner being much more relaxed than he had been lately. Just as long as this one didn't involve trees and curses and demigods then she was good. Instead she just watched as Amy strolled ahead. Which wasn't really that unusual. Syed watched Trixie as she gushed. Oh, he wished he could just offer to help her learn to read without Moira flipping her nut. It was driving him a bit crazy by this point. "Lucien! Don't say that," Syed cringed, hugging himself a little. "Clowns give me the creeps enough as is." "Pansy," is all Moira said in response. "A clown is just a dude who falls over a lot. Yer know. Like Luke." She thumbed to Lute. The Guild was remanicent of Fenaru if anything, and as a result the first thing Moira was on the lookout for was the secretary. Fenaru's secretary was pretty grumpy, constantly telling them off being loud. They were the Pride! Of course they were loud! Except... well. She recognised [i]her[/i] any day of the week. "Oh... HEY! LADY!" she suddenly bellowed, startling Syed a little. Well that was rude... abeit par of the course for the berserker. "Fuckin' hell it's been a while!" she leaned over to Syed, loudly whispering him a warning: [i]"Don't piss her off."[/i] There wasn't really much point in her whispering at all with how loud it was. She strolled over to the secretary desk with a grin, holding out a hand for a firm shake. "Shit, everyone's doing so well for themselves these days. What a pain." Syed found himself a little overwhelmed. With Moira's sheer number of years in service for the Guild, it wasn't really suprising that she sometimes knew people on their travels. He gave the secretary a small, somewhat awkward wave, before turning to see what the others were doing. Yeah, he'll have a soda... although someone would have to bring it over to him, what with his bond and all.