[center][img=http://i.imgur.com/LAshoov.png][/center] Inadi continued to pull grapes off his plate and enjoyed the sweet taste of the fruit. Also digging into some of the apple slices made the man's cheeks swell up as the contents were going in faster than he could swallow them. Chewing down the different fruits he heard a faint voice beside him. He quickly turned to see Jasper in her bright white dress commenting on his eating habits and his garb as well. Both made the man feel slightly embarrassed. Quickly swallowing the food in his mouth so as to not look like a winter starved chipmunk, Inadi shot Jasper a quick smile as he filled up his plate with a just a few more fruits such as a few slices of melon that he noticed just before Jasper had arrived. “You spend two weeks with a giant bear making nothing but gingerbread men, cookies and cakes and you tell me if you have any kind of a sweet tooth left,” He joked with the girl as he held up another thin apple slice as if showing it off the the lady standing beside him. “Besides, this stuff ain't so bad in comparison I think. Just sweet enough for my liking.” Inadi explained as he tossed the apple in his mouth and chewed it up quickly. Looking Jasper up and down, he saw just how skinny the girl was and it made him feel worried for her. Clearly this was because of all the running around the Queen had been making her do since she arrived in Nowhere. Inadi began picturing himself in a similar state and let out a sigh. It wasn't a matter of if that happened to him. It was just a matter of when. He was already bruised and scarred from all this adventuring. Soon he would be malnourished and wasting away as well somewhere down the line. He made a mental note to compliment Jasper on her dedication at some other time, as it probably wasn't best to point out her physical appearance so bluntly. Aside from her skinny build, Jasper was very eye catching in her garb. In the good way. Inadi was stared at more often than not just because he was an elephant in the room with the suit he had on. Looking down at his suit after Jasper made the comment about shooting the Nobody who dressed him, the spectacle wearing man gave a slight shrug and smile. “I don't know, it's different at least. Definitely not the same old tired black suit and tie I'd normally wear to things like this.” He told her as he pointed out to all the dancing and camaraderie going on around them. “Of course though I have to say you wear your dress very well Jasper. You look very...” Inadi began looking for a proper way to compliment the girl. Pretty wasn't a good word to use since it really wasn't that descriptive and seemed like a lazy way out of a compliment. Beautiful may have been a bit too far since he didn't want to make the girl feel uncomfortable. Surely there had to be some kind of middle ground. Visibly scrunching his face to try and find a proper word, he finally found something he felt worked well. “Exotic. You look very exotic in your dress tonight.” He said with a smile on his face. Letting the sentence sit for a while however made the smile slowly melt off his face as he began looking very confused at his own words. The confused look eventually just turned into a chuckle and a head shake. Inadi looked at Jasper with a defeated look as he set his plate down on the table and crossed his arms afterward. “I don't think that was a good word to use for that. I'm sorry Jasper. I'm just not that good at the whole complimenting girls thing. A lot of times back home I would say something to a girl and they'd just walk away after. I don't blame them, sometimes I out think the situation and make a fool of myself,” He explained to the girl with a laugh. “I hope you can forgive me.” Inadi then began looking around the great hall they stood in and saw all the hubbub going on around them and it made the boy scoff in agitation. “So on a scale from one to ten, how good of an act do you give this whole celebration. Hardly feels like a good way to remember everyone who is gone now. Quite frankly I would have much rather gone out and practiced a bit more with my spear since we don't have our amulets anymore,” He told Jasper. He was able to convince the soldiers of Sol to let him keep the spear, saying it brought him luck. Now with the magic gone he really only had the spear to protect him and the others that were left. And he knew he would need a lot more practice for whatever came next. “But in the end I guess it is as the old stories say. 'War is young men dying and old men talking.' And we're the ones going out to war.” He said in a hushed tone looking at Jasper with a worried look as he began thinking of Harper and the others who were in bad shape back during the fight against the witch. Reaching back he took another grape and popped it in his mouth, this time letting it sit in his cheek for a moment before crushing it between it and his teeth. The whole thing made him tense and angry, but he supposed he should enjoy the little party for what it was worth. It and the grapes it provided.