[quote=DR_TRAPEZOID] Speaking of adding huge chunks of lore, is anyone doing/has done anything with the volcanic island to the North-West of the tundra? [/quote] That island is currently a blank slate. Write with it as you please (with-in reason, of course). [quote=Cyclone] ... In any case, being so close to each other, I think it's getting to be about time that Calvartem and Shaige learn of one another's existence. Perhaps some of Shaige's minions chase a warband of Klug deserters out of the forest and into Calvartem's lands? [/quote] It is indeed time that something along those lines happened. I'm not sure how responsive Calvartem would be to a bunch of fleeing tribesmen (considering that he generally has a policy of kill first and don't bother asking questions at all when it comes to humans), but Conquest [i]might[/i] be a different matter. We'll figure something out some way or another. [quote=KabenSaal] Would it be possible for Emily to, over time, become a Keeper in the Underworld? And then be the Under-Keeper? [/quote] That would be a terribly dreary place to be a Keeper, especially since Emily lacks the magic to leave the Underworld herself. [quote=DR_TRAPEZOID] As I brainstorm endless possibilities for my next few posts with Viktor, I'm wondering if, since Viktor has had no relations or interactions with the other Keepers, he could be assumed to be years, or possibly centuries before the others? ... [/quote] As Lugubrious explained, no. The Keepers all arrived in a single event, set in the recent past (from now. It was the present at the start of this RP). @Lugubrious, that's how to make an entrance. I guessed Avak might show up.