[img=http://i.imgur.com/UPINOf1.png] [b][u]Morris: Guild[/b][/u] Lute’s eyes passed over the crops growing in the fields the Pride passed, and he was amazed at the quality of produce in this place. They had a small plot of land back home for kitchen herbs and vegetables so he knew the effort it took to work the earth, and by extension, how much care it took to achieve stellar results. It was clear how the lush and idyllic environment made the virtuoso feel just looking at his face, not to mention that he didn’t strike up a conversation with anyone and just had his eyes glued to the scenery. [i]"A clown is just a dude who falls over a lot."[/i] Hmm? “Did someone mention my name?” Lute asked, momentarily shaken from his reverie when he heard someone calling him. He caught a glimpse of Moira jerking her thumb at him and realized that she must’ve mentioned him while talking to somebody else, so the virtuoso just shrugged and looked away. Strange flyers caught his attention and he paused to give the illustrations a view. “Oh, a circus!” Lute suddenly piped up and was soon running after the other members of the Pride. “I wanna see the circus! Er… After we’re done with whatever we went here to do, of course,” He hastily added then slowed down as they approached the Morris Guild. Like Xandra and Trixie, the mission board was the first thing that Lute approached after he was finished warming up to the quaint interior. “Tsss,” He sucked in air through his teeth as he saw the photographs, “That’s a lot, isn’t it?” Maybe they could help with these cases? Or not. Lute didn’t want to intrude on the Morris guilders; they might have these jobs under the belt already, but he knew what it felt to be helpless and in wait, unsure of what’s happening to a person you care about. “Tsk… I’m getting emotionally invested,” He murmured and broke his gaze from the pictures.