[center][img=http://www.image-maps.com/m/private/0/9tbp1e8kincss3qdql6s2j9412_hazuki.nagisa.600.1753861.jpg][/center] Out of place. Toby felt very out of place. The nobodies he had encountered so far were like no other he had seen since arriving along with the bunnies, oh the bunnies! Goodness he wanted to befriend every bunny in the castle, the only thing stopping him were their mean glares and intimidating rifles. One had even snapped at Toby when he was only trying to pet the cutie. They looked like scary jerks, but the kind of scary jerks you wanna cuddle with. For hours. He couldn't help but stare with excitement at each one that passed by. Finding Carrots is definitely a priority now. But not only the bunnies, or the nobodies, or the strange and quirky oddities that dwelled around, but the Queen too! Toby very much wanted to introduce himself to her, she was absolutely adorable. He wanted to sit and hear all the crazy tales and funny adventures she's probably seen and witnessed. Or maybe she hasn't seen any at all, maybe she just like... sat in the throne room all day drinking tea. He had no clue, thus sparking his interest even more. But still, as wondrous as the castle was along with those within, Toby felt out of place. There was a vibe in the air every time he was near any of the humans. Feelings and emotions lingered in the air around them, feelings and emotions he knew all too well. It was palpable. Fear, doubt, rage, denial, hopelessness, confusion, a damaged psyche, a crushed spirit... ...Sadness. Thinking about it all made Toby uncomfortable. Very uncomfortable. It made him think of home, where all of these feelings and emotions were unavoidable. Every morning he woke he felt hopeless and every night he tried to sleep he felt rage. Home was unpleasant to think about, well for him at least, who knows how the others felt. On his way out of the forest one of the woman's hands had been cut right off! And a boy lay unconscious with blood all over him, yet they were both still here with the others at this little get together. Well, the woman was. He hadn't spotted the boy. Was he dead? Were they friends? Is this a funereal? Why isn't Ran with him? So many questions. Toby was beginning to feel uneasy until the Queen began to speak and he lost himself in her cute-fulness, along with the rest of the interesting nobodies. "Thank you very much for attending this grand celebration, Never before in Nowhere's history have the humans come so close to completing the living list. As of now, they only lack two more items, then those dearies can finally go home, and when they do, All of Nowhere will celebrate!" He had heard the term living list pop up a few times but was still too taken aback by the state of the humans to ask what it wa-"OOH! BALLOONS!" Balloons and streamers, food and jellyfish! Music and dancing and bright colors everywhere, the party was absolutely grand, Toby almost felt guilty for coming since he hadn't helped set it all up. Almost. Instinctively he turned his head in excitement to find Ran and tell him that there were flying jellyfish, but he was nowhere to be found. Standing alone amongst a number of nobodies and such he felt out of place once again but decided to shrug it off. It was a party in celebration of humans and he was a human, so party! Quickly Toby made his way to the buffet table. Grabbing a plate he didn't hesitate to start piling anything that looked sweet onto it and tried his best to be careful not to get anything on the [url=http://www.image-maps.com/m/private/0/9tbp1e8kincss3qdql6s2j9412_tuxy.jpg]damned tuxedo he was forced to wear.[/url] Goodness was that a battle. --- "[i]Please boy, just put this on! You'll look like quite a handsome man!" The nurse spoke in the most convincing tone she could muster, but there was no hiding how annoyed she was at the moment. "No!" Toby had been cornered by one of three nurses that practically barged into his and Ran's room. The moment he locked eyes on the blue tuxedo and the brown, sparkly suit, he knew there was going to be trouble. "If you're going to attend Queen Delirium's party you must have the proper attire!" "I'LL HAVE MY OWN PARTY" With that Toby dove for the floor and between the nurses legs who shrieked as he did so. By this point they had already gotten him into his boxers but no matter, he still made for the door only for a nurse to jump into his way. He felt like a damn running back, except the entire time he evaded the nurses he couldn't stop himself from giggling. "Boy, please!" Dodging the nurse that blocked the door only lead him towards another, forcing him to turn once more and hop onto his messy bed where he grabbed a pillow and threatened the nurses with it, as if it were a weapon. The three eventually surrounded him on the bed and slowly creeped towards him. "There is no reason to be afraid of us boy! Now put. on. the. CLOTHES!" "I'm afraid of yoUR FASHION SENSE LADY!" Toby threw his pillow at the nurse on his left and jumped off, sprinting past her as he giggled once more. Toby almost slammed himself into a nearby window and frantically opened it before shoving his head through. "Freedom!-HNG" Two nurses latched onto Toby's legs and pulled him out of the window. He clung onto the still for dear life but eventually gave out, his face falling to the floor. He couldn't stop himself from giggling as his body was dragged to the other side of the room. This was fun. Suddenly though he was reminded why he had tried so hard to run. Toby was on his knees, both nurses holding him still by the arms as the third approached him, a white dress shirt in her hands. He groaned in failure, his head falling forward. He accepted his fate.[/i] --- The damn thing felt like it was choking him. Suddenly he didn't care if sweets were spilled onto the tux, he happily piled the food onto his plate before walking off into the party. Toby moved throughout the dance floor, sidestepping and moving his body to the sound of the music as he ate his treats and moved amongst the crowd with unintended grace. The feelings and emotions that lingered in the air before evaporated at this point and were only filled with joy. It wasn't the best party he head ever been too, but it was without a doubt the funnest he had attended in quite some time. A smile was permanently plastered onto his face. Eventually Toby found himself back at the buffet table. By this point his plate was empty and his mouth along with parts of his tuxedo were covered in candy. Quickly he tossed his plate into a bin and cleaned his face with a napkin before pouring a nice, cold cup of...something orange. It didn't taste orange though, the drink was very sweet and hard to describe. He chugged it quickly and tossed the cup into the bin. Toby grabbed a plate once more and began to pile it with treats, thus beginning the cycle.