[i]Location: [DATA NOT AVAILABLE] Time:[DATA NOT AVAILABLE] Priority: One[/i] "Operation Veil... Do you remember anything about it, Agent?" Whatever this place was, it needed a few lights, though it probably wouldn't help Opus identify the Dirophyd on the Holo. Most likely, it helped to hide the distinguishing features of whom he was addressing now, who also happened to be a complete stranger, and probably really important. The dead giveaway for this was the bizarre circumstances in which he had been forced to take a mild amnesiac before getting on the rendezvous ship. The last thing he heard the soldier greeting him say was "You know I don't know where you're going." Obviously, this wasn't standard procedure for completion of the mission and, apparently, after finishing this, there had been a change in protocol. Normally, he would report back to Strike Operations HQ, in a small outpost to be debriefed, but now... Amnesiacs are weird. When coming out of it, you just snap to the next space in time, much like a day dream. Being drugged wasn't that strange, but this was something else. "Of course not, sir. Protocol for that mission was all personnel involved had the event wiped. I do not recollect a single detail about that mission, sir." Opus had his hands behind his back in a formal stance, a stance that felt like he should probably maintain in front of this guy. Probably out ranked the agent. Or would kill him for something as inoffensive as as a slight slouch. He'd heard rumors that these guys could be crazy, if they were real. "Hmm... You see, that is the problem..." The projected Dirophyd moved his hands smoothly as he talked, and spoke in an deliberate, slow tone, of a man who had very thoroughly planned to say these next words in such a way that no detail was given, yet all of it was. "We had assumed that the mission was, to a degree, a success. All objectives were complete, after all. No, the main issue we have, is that... Well, you can see where I am going with this. It was, perhaps, a mistake to wipe your memory of the event. And now, we need you to, say, tie up some loose ends." The man paused, and waited for those words to sink in, and continued. "You will be re-assigned to, what we believe, a unit that may unwittingly be heading towards the same goal as us. Your orders are simple: Follow the orders given by that team leader, whatever they may be. At least until we say otherwise. Now, you will be released from our custody. And be ready for us." ---- Opus snapped to the next point in time, which was in a standard Kiratiori cockpit, orbiting an unknown gas giant in what the agent assumed was the middle of nowhere. Right now, his main plan was to recollect his thoughts, and figure out what to do next. One thing stood out the most: A holo HUD of a predetermined autopilot route that he couldn’t change. So, unsure of what lay ahead of him, and with no other options available to him, Opus initiated the ship, and warped to wherever his destination was.