"Were here, now pay up." Dante spoke in a calm tone. It was a job well done. The desert planet was crawling in bandits, but no one messed with them. Dante was large and intimidating. "Here how is 200 credits?" The merchant had rugged look to him, buisness wasn't good and he looked very stressed. Yet he kept on with job, even if it would kill him. "200 cre- God damn it! Do you know who I am? I have the strength of two men! Surely I deserve way more!" "Okay okay...I don't want any problems here, 400 credits?" "That's better." He took the credits and made his way into town. It was shit hole, prostitues and low street thugs walked the streets. Grafitty and litter were everywhere. This was not a town that normal people would want to be in. But Dante was strong, and not someone to be messed with. People tend to leave him alone, if they don't they usually were found dead the next day. Dante found himself if front of bar, he had a long days work. A drink didn't sound to bad. He opened the door, the air was very cloudy from all the smoke and the bar reeked of alcohol. This wasn't the best bar, but it would do. "Gimme your finest drink, I don't care how much it cost, I can pay for it." The bartender handed him the drink, Dante put it to his mouth. He drank it, it burning in his throat made him squint his eyes. It tasted like crap but it was obviously strong. "Bartender ano-" Dante was interrupted by a couple of thugs surrounding him. "We don't like you rich folk 'round here!" The group looked fairly young, but obviously drunk, They weren't much of a threat. "You sure you wanna mess with me?!" He said as he got of the bar stool, he grabed it and threw it at one of the thugs, it hit him in the head and he came crashing down. "1 down 4 more to go!" Dante reached for his knife, the leader approaching him. Dante reached his hand around his back and pulled him into the knife, it went into his stomach with ease. The other 3 looked at each other and ran off. Dante sat at another bar stool and sighed. "Where was I? Oh yeah, another drink!"