[img]http://i1111.photobucket.com/albums/h461/kathichan1/ariacastshot.png[/img] [u][b]Morris: Guild[/b][/u] Aria had never been to Morris before, and despite the fact that she usually preferred big cities she had to admit that it was very much a quaint little agricultural town. She couldn't help but hum a cheerful little tune as they strolled down the path, blinking as she spotted some colorful posters plastered on the high stone walls. Ah, the circus! Been a while since she's gone to one. Perhaps they'd have the chance to check it out after? The guild was much homier than she expected, and Aria took to looking around. It wouldn't be hard to mistake this as someone's living room even; only the secretary's counter and guild boards would be out of place and even the boards had brightly colored pictures. If only there wasn't the large 'Missing' sign above them all. The sign had already attracted some of the Pride and she was moving to join them before spotting Amy sitting down at the bar counter she had overlooked. Booze or sign? Hmmm. Eventually she decided to go join Amy at the bar, deciding that she'd just ask Lulu or Xan about the board later since they were examining it, or even go see it herself later. She sat down by the blonde cleric with a cheery greeting, only to blink and pause. Was Amy looking a bit surlier than usual or was it her imagination? Maybe Lucien told her an exceptionally bad joke earlier. She got a glass of fruit wine- no need to get drunk this early in the day, not to mention it was their local specialty. Moira's loud bellow startled the illusionist, almost causing her to drop her wine. "Looks like Moira knows the receptionist," She observed, smiling at Amy. "Wonder where she knows her from?" Something moving on the bar top caught her eyes and she looked down to see a small green caterpillar inching across the desk. She held out a finger to let it crawl on, smiling at the little guy. It was rather cute. But what was it doing here? Perhaps she should go put it outside before it got squished.