[center][img=http://i.imgur.com/k7pmSIv.png][/center] Brandy watched as Songbird shifted into 'big bro mode', giving the poor human an awkward hug and some advice. If he were some other Nobody he might have cooed at the adorableness of the scene, but being the grump he was he merely gave a small smile that faded when Harper peeled himself away from Song and left the ballroom. Looks like the incident had hit him much harder than the previous ones. He nudged his way through the crowd and patted the Nobody on the shoulder. He knew the item hunter was rather fond of the small human as well. [i]"Party goers, you better find that special man or lady! In a few moments, we'll be starting our dance competition, and the lucky couple that knocks our socks off will win 5,000 stars and five barrels of Mr. Cuddle's strawberry tarts!"[/i] The rabbit blanched at the announcement, flashbacks of the last time he got caught in the dance competition resurfacing in his mind. Somehow he had gotten pulled in by a lady with four feet, and despite the odds all four of them were left feet. For a moment he swore he could feel his poor feet ache in remembrance. "We should get out of here..." Already people were grabbing partners left and right, this year's reward being especially enticing because the added bonus of Mr. Cuddles' tarts. The bear was a pastry genius for sure, but Brandy would very much prefer to buy them than win them through public humiliation. Before they could make a hasty retreat, however, Cello popped out from the crowd ushering a few food-laden humans. Before he could react the cat disappeared and they were left to the task of going to check on Marti. It wasn't a bad idea, persay- he had made plans to drop by her room on the way to the library anyhow. The rabbit rescued some plates from Leila who's arms looked almost ready to give out. He raised an eyebrow when he spotted the human in the obnoxious yellow suit, however. Was it really a good idea to bring this guy? And he would've thought Lesley would have wanted to tag along. Whatever. "Martini's room is this way." He nodded his head and gestured for them to follow. They made their way through now dancing crowd, miraculously not suffering any casualties (plates or otherwise) before ducking into the hallway. The mermaid's room wasn't far and quickly they made their way in front of a door painted a bright blue and decorated with various shells as well as ruffles and bows. Juggling a few plates in his hands he managed to knock before pushing open the door. The entire room was tropical themed, complete with a sandy beach and sparkling lagoon surrounded by palm trees and bright flowers. The entrance to the room was covered in wooden floorboards and made up about a quarter of the room which was still quite a large area. Fabric was strewn everywhere where it was dry and half finished clothing were draped on lounge chairs and the large sewing table; a dress even dangled from a leaf of a palm tree. "Marti, we've brought food. How are you feeling?" --- [center][img=http://i.imgur.com/b27GvEb.png][/center] The mermaid had plopped back into the water at the knock, poking her head out of the water so that only her eyes and the top of her head was showing, grey hair billowing around her. She certainly didn't expect a small crowd to file into her room, pale blue eyes scrutinizing each figure carefully. Even if she was [s]starving[/s] [s]very[/s] kind of peckish, did they really all need to come? They couldn't possibly expect her to eat everything they'd brought. "I'm fine," she burbled, mouth still underwater. Her eyes settled on Inadi who was standing behind Song and she froze. Slowly the rest of her head poked out of the water as she stared, eventually settling on the rock as she gaped outright. This was an outrage! How dare they? How [i]dare[/i] they!?!? She resisted the urge to screech. As much of a mean and scary guy Indadi was, [i]there was no need to put him in a fudgin' banana suit![/i] A look of rage had crossed her eyes as she took in what he was wearing. WHat they were all wearing. "[i]Unacceptable! I will not have this![/i]" She dove down, before launching herself out of the water and onto the little scooty chair the Queen had put there so she could move around. All thoughts of her own color loss were gone and she wheeled right up to the group, raging nonstop. "Who in the whole of Nowhere dressed you? They put you in a white dress?" She glared at the offending dress on Jasper. "You need color! COLOR! You look like a total ghost in that. Oh don't look at me like that, I should be feeling sorry for you the way you're dressed. And they put you in a suit?" Next was Leila. "Not as bad, but don't you worry I'll get you in a dress fitting the occasion that will look just gorgeous on you." She paused at Brandy and Songbird before shaking her head. Those two were rather hopeless. "And you!" She screeched at Inadi. "You will take that horrid thing off and burn it first thing, you understand? Nobody deserves that [i]thing[/i]." She gave the suit a stink eye. "You are all getting changed. All of you. Now.I will not have people talking about horridly dressed humans especially since I usually dress you." She shuddered in disgust , picked up a remote and with a beep a large section of the wall slid away to reveal an enormous multi-story walk in closet. "Well, move it!" She snapped, hands flapping as to herd them inside. "Put your dishes on the table and get in already. I can't assist you in finding things today in this state," she sniffed in disappointment. "so you'll have to pick something out. Everything's sorted by size, style and color. And nobody," her eyes glinted dangerously, "is leaving this room until I approve. Got it? Dress, accessories, shoes, everything. I can help you with the knick-knacks since they're in lower drawers but you'll have to deal with the clothes." She directed them to each of their sizes, some having to climb up to the second floor to look through the clothes. Brandy tried to protest but the glare she gave sent him hurrying to suits in his size. By celery the woman could be terrifying when she wanted to be.