[Center][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/qG9dVJ5.jpg[/IMG][/center] "Why thank you Riley. Heh, it's what I'm good at." Ace playfully bowed, forgetting that in a dress it was probably more polite to curtsy. Right before the two could dart off and disappear, a familiar voice called to them. She turned and smiled to see Lesley all nice and dolled up. "You look nice yourself." She complimented. Even in the dress, she wasn't sure of Lesley's gender. Ace wasn't the type to judge people. If a guy wanted to wear a dress then so be it. It wasn't like she wouldn't have thrown on a tuxedo if she had the chance. After all, Leila was able to- and she looked nice in it. It was pants after all. Ace was pro pants. It made movement easier without having to worry about flashing people. She was about to ask about Lesley's gender once and for all, when she noticed that Lesley had a friend. And the thought was pushed to the side for the time being. Hearing him speak, she gave a polite smile like she learned, though it turned into a grin when he offered to guide them around. "Well, exploring without much hindsight could be pretty dangerous. And I don't know how fast Riley can run in a dress," She teased playfully. "So, thanks. We can use a guide around the place." Well, he seemed nice. She turned her head when she was jabbed in the ribs. Though her gaze returned right back to Amiel. "You sure did find a catch Lesley. Lucky you." She laughed lightly. Ace made no expression towards the compliment and only smirked towards Riley's threat. Ace crossed her arms and added on, "Do believe the threat sir. I will take offense to you hurting Lesley. So think twice before you act." Though, her attention turned when the human was mentioned. It was the new guy Toby. She had yet to 'properly' introduce herself! That had to be done. Riley did the extra work of dragging Toby over, so when Riley let go, Ace walked alongside of him. "We haven't been formally introduced because I think I went unconscious on the trip back. But! I'm Ace! Don't forget it!" She informally hugged him, careful not to move too fast and snag the strapless dress she was wearing. She had already had that issue when the nobodies were sizing her in it... "Alright! Let's go!" Despite her normally always being in front of the group, she decided to let Amiel lead with Lesley at his side. She didn't want to ruin their little 'moment'. So, while everyone listened to the guide's rambles, Ace moved a little ways behind the small group to peek into the doors. She saw a wide variety of things. From a indoor garden to a place littered with pillows. She didn't realize Amiel had stopped talking until she opened one door, completely ignoring the caution sign on the door. The one door with a caution sign in it. Of course Ace would chose something dangerous. As soon as she opened the door, she wasn't prepared to be sucked into a gravity-less state. A startled squeal escaped her lips before she ended up floating upside down in what looked like a space room. The entire night sky surrounded the large room. "Whoa...pretty." Being upside down, Ace quickly realized she had to push her dress down- or was it up- in order to cover what needed. "Heeey! You guys! A little help over here?" She couldn't help but laugh as she turned right side up and crossed her legs. "This is kind of fun actually..."